Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gryffin-Dreams
Producer, Writer, Pianist and Vocal Producer. My songs have enjoyed millions of streams across multiple platforms, as well as top 40 chart success. I've worked with artists in a diverse array of genres including Gryffin, Hozier, Karen Harding, Kelli-Leigh, Carla Monroe, Stevie Appleton, Sick Individuals, St. Lundi, and many others.
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Singer, songwriter, music producer and audio engineer. Graduated from SAE instution 04/16 with a 3.5 Gpa.
I'm a guitarist and songwriter located in Los Angeles California. My speciality is fingerpicked acoustic guitar, singer-songwriter or psychedelic blues/rock styles. I'm also a recording engineer.
My name is Max Rosagrata, I am an Ableton user who is skilled in the production, composition and mixing fields. I would love to be able to offer people my service.
I already had been working with bands signed to Universal Music Group also reached the top of MTV for more than four weeks and many other charts. Grammy Winner's producers like Kenny Baby Face, who had been awarded 11x and many other celebrities stars did an awesome review of my work. In addition to receiving awards for my music in the city of LA.
I've been featured as a solo violinist on such productions as the Netflix show Sense8, the Daniel Radcliffe film 'Jungle', the Chinese feature film 'In Full Bloom' and the PBS documentary 'T-Rex-Her Fight For Gold'. I provide an intimate and poignant sound, can improvise, read midi or sheet music, create textures and soundscapes.
Trombonist. Recorded/Toured with: sir tom jones, jamiroquai, noel gallagher, george michael, randy brecker, chaka khan, kasabian, jay z, beyonce, robbie williams, the specials.... horn section arrs., recording tenor/bass trombone, bass trumpet, euphonium, sousaphone INSTRUMENTS: tenor/bass trombones, sousaphone, euphonium, more
Why not
Toujours à la recherche de l émotion pour mes compositions !!! et pour les vôtres !! 😊
Recent Successes
"It was awesome to work together with Drew on my track :) His voice is soo beautiful and unique! He is a super talented singer and will be very big and famous one day! I would always work again with him in the future :)"
"Ziv is immensely talented & a wealth of knowledge"
"Brian was such a gent to work with. Gave honest feedback which was needed on my first single. He really went above and beyond to make sure the project turned out as good as possible and that I was happy with the final..."
"Always a pleasure working with the best in the biz "
"Trey blows me away once again!!! I feel so lucky to have found someone who understands what I'm going for and makes my songs sound like the best possible versions of themselves. I will go back to Trey again and agai..."
"I absolutely love Ziv. Easy to work with. Gives me what I need and it's always very timely. This is very important because I work at a fast pace. A great talent that SB clients need to take advantage of."
"My experience working with Hamilton was phenomenal. He was kind, professional, and turned around what I needed in lightning speed. I hope to work with him again soon!"