Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Grounded.
Techno & hard music genres specialist. Get your tracks sounding loud and clear with digital mastering. Over 1 000 tracks mastered.
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Recent graduate of Humber College's Contemporary Music Degree program, where I won the Ian Terry Award for production. Have played in bands, recorded bands and taught music in the Toronto area for over 10 years.
I am a serious musician that loves Minecraft I work hard for myself so I know I work hard for you to get the job done
Professional musician, working a long time in music (generally)
Content Writer
Digital marketing company based in India with other branches based in USA. Our goal is to keep you ahead of the competition by offering simple, customized yet effective solutions. Contact me through the green button above and let's get to work.
Hey! My name is Kevin but I usually go by my producer name, Lismo! I've been working as a music producer and mixing/mastering engineer for 5 years.
With over 2.5 million streams and growing, Kaila Hoy stepped out with a bang. Signing multiple songs with leading European music label "Cloudkid", released with EDM artists "Besomorph" and "Coopex", writing with talents like Recording Academy member-Julian Feifel and the creator of the Assassin's Creed Unity Song-Roby Fayer, Kaila is here to stay.
Hey! I'm a mixing engineer from Barcelona.
Recent Successes
"Once again Mariami did a great job. 👍"
"Dark Star Audio is very very professional with advice given is awesome and I look forward to doing more and redoing what I did in the past.Ryan! Wow! Im really impressed, I love how you brought the energy out of the t..."
"Roger's guitar will take you to another peaceful place, his mastery of the guitar will bring the best out of the song. When I needed something romantic & soulful, I always go straight to Roger's guitar. He's the kinde..."
"Great job thanks again Mphatic, for your helping Laconic Zephyr get the job done! Bring on New Zealand Music Month🎯⭐️🌟"
"Julian is consistently offering high-quality service and has the professional ears needed for any project"
"Just wrapped up another amazing project with Karlo and I can’t wait to share it with the world!! 🙌 Karlo, as always, did an amazing job delivering a high quality and ear catching production to my new song. He’s patie..."
"As usual, professional job, basically a remote mixing and mastering studio whenever you need it! Viktor is great!"