Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Grace Skies
I will provide industry standard quality in mixing, and mastering.
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I am a germany-based mixer, producer and musician. I love real played drums, guitars, bass, vocals, ... and strong song performances!
What up! My name is Josiah i record and perform as HoJo Nagasaki!
I SUPPORT ARTISTS THROUGH EVERY PHASE OF THEIR PROJECT I have had the pleasure of producing and mixing for Slash, Fergie, Layzie Bone and Chester Bennington & KRS1, to name a few. I produce, mix and master MOST GENRES. From modern Pop/ R&B to Retro vintage Rock and Country and HiHop (trap). I've spent the last 25 years perfecting my craft.
Hello, my name is Bill Hudson and I'm best known as one of the guitarists in the TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA. I've toured the world with rock bands for over 10 years and have written and recorded on several Billboard charting albums, as well as video game soundtracks. I can make your product sound better and deliver fast. Let's chat!
Los Angeles based producer/songwriter. Looking for interesting new projects to work on with talented up and coming artists.
Passionate music producer, who believe in creativity and focusing in electronic music to bring some new ideas in music world, music production, sound element experiments in the first place.
Professional musician, producer, composer, songwriter, recording, mixing and mastering technician, liveset specialist, and live sound operator. I have experience in a wide variety of music genres, and skills regarding technology applied to audio post production. I'm an enthusiastic, self-driven, and result oriented person. Let's work together!
Here to add a little bit of loud to your life!
Recent Successes
"This dude is who you want to send your stuff to 100%."
"Fast and professional! Really satisfied with results! "
"Waw, is all I can say . Darrell is absolutely professional and listens and gives great feedback . I am and will work with him on any given day .My track sounds exactly how I envisioned and the delivery and communicat..."
"Rachel has such a beautiful voice and shared that with me in a test demo of a new song. In addition to being a great singer, she was kind enough to indulge my lengthy messages over the holiday period with a cheery an..."
"Justin completely nailed the vibe I was going for. His tracks sound great, his skill is deadly. A total professional, and seriously kind. I contacted several people, but Justin's response was not only the quickest..."
"Second-time efficiency with JAZ. Musical-side is great job no doubt but what makes Jaz greater is what he can do with the vocals, where to place them etc...Outstanding. "
"Dalliance is amazing!!! I love the Spanish verse he wrote and recorded for my song, and I'm so glad he's featuring on it! I really appreciate his quick turnaround, professionalism, and prompt communication. Will defin..."
"Ben delivered a creative and incredibly detailed mix and master. He somehow turned a messy project into an actual song! He is meticulous and noticed things with our stems that we didn't even notice. Honestly can't ..."