Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gerald La Melodía
Coros & Versos
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Aspen Music Group is a premier music facility in Northern Colorado. We record and produce artists and create custom music for commercials, film, and video. For live venues and houses of worship we help guide and install the perfect sound system for your budget and offer training for sound technicians.
Studio engineer, live engineer and musician based in Oslo, Norway. I work in the box on remote projects to keep prices down. I specialize in psychedelic and ambient rock but will of course do other genres.
Seven times Latin Grammy nominee. I own Black Box Mastering, one of the best mastering dedicated rooms in Spain where we offer mastering services exclusively. I mastered high sales albums (platinum and gold) in lot of genres, providing world class audio quality worldwide. MFIT certified provider. Open mind and hard worker.
Bass lines. Whether simple & supportive, or complex & melodic, finding the perfect foundation upon which to build your song or is crucial. Let me help! As a bass-focused multi-instrumentalist with 30+ years experience, I know how to build compelling bass lines to perfectly fit your project’s unique style and instrumentation.
Industry professional with proven ability in a wide range of genres.
I'm a drummer based in Los Angeles, California. I've worked with a diverse range of artists including Moonchild, Bennie Maupin, Zephyr Avalon, Urbana Worship, Common Souls, and Kanye West & The Sunday Service Choir. I have a remote recording setup and a variety of drum and percussion instruments to provide the appropriate sounds for your music.
Have your drum tracks recorded by NYC Broadway and Session drummer Sean McDaniel. Played on Grammy award winning albums. Recorded for TV, Movies, Demos, Jingles, Theater, Live Entertainment. Played over 20 Broadway shows. Originated Frozen, Book of Mormon, Hamilton. Toured with Clay Aiken and other Pop/Rock artists.
Upcoming composer for projects across all forms of media, Murph specialises in orchestral mockups and is well known locally for producing tracks quickly and efficiently. Professional quality music, for a fraction of the cost.
Recent Successes
"First song with Jeffrey and a great experience at that too. Jeffrey's interpretation and subsequent drumming/percussion has lifted the song to another level. Clearly loves his craft and provided so much beyond what I ..."
"Amazing guy ! "
"Daniel provided amazingly performed & arranged percussion tracks on our song. Communication was strong and delivery was very fast! "
"Calixte is mega-multi-talented and an absolute blast to work with, and I am grateful for this site introducing us and facilitating us working together. Incredible vocal range and vibe. Understands the rhythm / flow of..."
"Andrei was incredibly patient, professional and responsive the whole way through. He really understood and cared about my vision for this project and I could not be happier with the results! He is a truly talented pro..."
"Very friendly and understanding! definitely recommended "
"Working with Shawn is an incredibly enriching experience. His professionalism and expertise in melodies and lyrics always bring a touch of modernity and magic, adding that special something that makes our songs unique..."
"Excellent as usual. Thanks again."