Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with El Kable
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Want a sick mix by an experienced mixer? Taurean Mixing at your service providing mixing and other audio services.
Hi everyone, I started to play the bass when I was 13. I discovered and I am discovering all music's sides. All my experience took me here. I am bass player, singer, songwriter, audio technician, sound designer and boom operator.
Hello. I'm a session vocalist & songwriter/co-writer. I've sung on rock/pop/EDM/funky house/Rnb/Rap and hip-hop records. Some of my work has charted on the UK Club charts.
Arrangement, Orchestration, Transcription, MIDI, Instrument Parts, Composition, Backing Tracks, Rehearsal Tracks, Studio Tracks, Score Digitizing, Production, Project Management
Versatile singer.
Let’s get your audio to where it needs to be! I will fine tune each and every track and make your vocals cut through the mix!
Want to take your potential hit to the next level with a mix that will bump regardless of where it's played? Let me mix your next record and you'll be proud to show your friends and family; and they'll be proud to share it too! I have mixed and produced tracks that have been featured in Billboard Magazine, Showtime and MTV original series, & more.
With more than 22,000 followers across all social media... Soy Levin has managed to promote his music around several countries, mainly in Latin America.
Recent Successes
"Always great working with Doug. He's attentive to my instructions but also puts his own creative flare into it. "
"Always such a joy to work with, I can't say enough good things... the heart and talent! "
"Awesome collaboration! Do I need a singer/songwriter/rapper again, I will definitely return to work with Rioux again, and I guess that will be pretty soon! :) Very professional! "
"This guy consistently cranks out some of the hardest beats I've heard.. Do yourself a favor and find out for yourself! :smh: Holy sh*t, Caslo.. keep it up my dude! -Statys"
"Joey is a very talented and professional person! She did exactly what I had in my mind and she gave the extra vibe that I was looking for! She delivered very quickly as well! You can trust her for your work, i..."
"RICHARD is quickly becoming an important part of My productions. His creativity and instincts of what to play are amazing. His nation is superb, and his work ethic is spot on. He delivers top quality parts in a re..."
"Great work, as always! Highly recommended, don't hesitate to hire Camilo, your song is in good hands."
"very professional, fast, and delivered a quality result, will definitely consider Giancarlo for future work. "
"Tom took my track and really added a texture and cohesion to the composition. Great communication throughout. I’m delighted with the results. I’ll certainly be asking Tom to contribute to future projects. "