Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gerald Clayton
Every project comes with a unique approach, my goal is to serve your project and represent your vision to the fullest extent. I am excited to hear your new tracks and take them to the next level together!
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My name is Kim Hoàng Huy, I'm an expert in piano arranging and composing. I also publish sheet music, convert from midi or audio files to sheet music. I used to undertake tasks like composing piano sonatas with durations of 30 to 45 min. Please check out my YouTube channel named Hoàng Huy for more samples. I look forward to working with you!
Music Maker
Not happy with your beat? Get produced by Andre Swish to get more soul into your productions.
Experienced producer, mixer, listener!
Patrick S. Barry is a Boston/New England-area musician, songwriter, arranger, producer, and mixing engineer. I am available for session playing, music production, final mixing, song arrangement/consulting, and podcast/dialogue editing.
Female sound engineer, focused on live sound and home studio recording, mixing, and mastering. Meloman, passionate about music, willing to learn new things, open minded. On my free time, I like to skateboard, go to concerts, draw, play bass. I like to discover and work with different types of music, no matter what genre is it.
Unique Vocal Melodies, Soulful Sensual Sounds
I have bachelor degree in sound engineering and more than 7 years of mixing and mastering. My main principal in job is to find something unique and special in each piece and each artist and reveal it through my work.
Recent Successes
"Mike is a real professional - patient, works with you and to dial in the right mix, tuned the vocals with just the right touch. He's who musicians need."
"Steve is a dream to work with. When I say something needs to sound more powerful, he doesn't just turn it up, he boosts the sound with an effect that makes it more full and rich. That's the difference between a pro an..."
"The collaboration with Aaron was once again great! This time I not only had him do the mastering but also the mixing. He brought my track to a whole new level! For the next track I will ask Aaron again!"
"Andres came through again with an amazing touch! I was surprised at the turn around, he delivered ahead of schedule, perfect!"
"Shuta is a great mixing engineer. He always make sure he understands the right direction before jumping in the mix by asking for references and details. He is also really respectful of the already existing work and st..."
"Shelley is great!"
"Can't remeber how many masters bram did already for me, but this speaks for him as a person and his work! Great guy!"
"Another great master by Andres! This was my fifth song with him and he nailed it! He's really fast with his delivery and the best part is the mix coaching which is extremely helpful. Can't wait to work on the next son..."
"Direckt is professional, persistent and patient. Three Ps that are a important part of customer service. He took the time to enhance in addition to mixing my song and the results were more than I could have asked fo..."