Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mikey Flame
Every project comes with a unique approach, my goal is to serve your project and represent your vision to the fullest extent. I am excited to hear your new tracks and take them to the next level together!
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Revisions are free until you're satisfied. Try to keep the mixes (or segments) out of the red. Provide files (if possible) in a lossless format. Record at 24 or 32 bitrate if possible.
From first idea to final product. Whatever music you have in mind, I will help you to bring it to life.
Do you want your rap track to sound dope? Then I'm your guy!
We're a Composition, Production and Engineering team based in Nashville, TN who can take your idea and turn it into a release ready product! We specialize in Alt-Pop, Hip Hop, Electronic, and general good sounds.
never play with fire it might burn you never react to a lion course you might find yourself as a dead person
Producer from France.
SanZo has been producing and composing music for almost 20 years, bouncing back between Los Angeles and New York City. He has extensive experience working with top artists in music production, songwriting, arranging, recording and mixing as well as film scoring.
Savage like frieza so you will feel the wrath, god on the production. I excel in trap beats and hip hops
Recent Successes
"Max is extremely hardworking and won't stop until you are happy with the task completed. He also has extrodinary knowledge of not only mixing but mastering, vocal tuning and many more. As an artist I would highly reco..."
"Nico is incredible! Love working with him."
"Dustin is a skilled editor who can get your tracks on-beat, on-rhythm, locked-in, but still with plenty of good feel and vibe. That's not an easy thing to do, and Dustin nails it. Definitely highly recommended."
"I'm floored by Scott's professionalism and skill level, one of the very best and highly recommended! World class talent, writing and technical capabilities. And an awesome and friendly guy to work with too!! Exception..."
"My second time with Jimmy. All I can say is be ready! He's both fast and good. If you go with him you won't be disappointed. He'll bang out your project in the highest manner. "
"Sefi really took the time to take care of me on this track. He found a stem with a recording imperfection so I could get it fixed. The mix was beautiful as I got everything I needed from the song to sound right"
"One of the best Gospel Producers on the East Coast, Hands Down, great ear, great chord progression, knows what sounds to use with the type of project that it intells, definetlly my go to guy."
"Taylor is AMAZING and reimagined a classic in such a contemporary, commercial and upbeat way! The response I've had from listeners is WOW! Incredible!! Taylor is so professional and super nice work with!! I look forwa..."
"Victoria has a fantastic vocal sound that really lends itself to some of my moodier tracks. I appreciate her professionalism and willingness to go the extra mile for great results."