Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Fruto Sagrado
Hi! I´m Francisco Falcon, bass player for almost 35 years. I´m offering record a really good bassline for your music. I can play any style of music. I usually play fretted and fretless bass, but I also play double bass and cello.
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My mission is to stay true to the core roots but spread like a universal tree. "Let's Connect And Unit". From song writing, rapping/singing, producing and photo/film edits I can provide you with the top notch creative edge to set you apart from the rest. I have worked with David Wade, Chad Dexter, Tito Lopez, Kal Duzay, Young Chop etc.
We are experienced live musicians and music producers.
HI there, Im a Tennessee based music producer with experience in rock, hip hop, pop, funk, r&b and many other genres. If you want to take your sounds to the next level, you have come to the right place.
More than 20 years of experience in creating, directing and producing music and soundtracks for singers, ads and audiovisual. Approximately 2000 works broadcast on TV, Radio and Internet. Clients such as: Federal Government of Brazil, State Governments and multinational companies with national media coverage. Citizenship of Brazil and Italy.
Tuba, Euphonium, Flugel and Trumpet in all kind of genres from funk and free jazz to klezmer, circus music and calypso.
IntellectualBeam - Your Writing Partner
I simply love engineering music. It's that love that pushes me to continuously evolve and advance sonically. I'm open to working with everybody!
Recent Successes
"Ben immediately delivered a high quality version of my track flawlessly. He's n amazing vocalist with range and a unique tone. Super professional, polite, and gives great suggestions. "
"Charlene was more than great! Thanks xoxo"
" This my instrumental peace was very difficult to perform. Mark did a great job. He put together many too complex spots. And now I have completed mix with well done bass track. Thank you Mark! "
"A pleasure to work with Daniel! It's my first collaboration with him and he did a great job! His master sounds very professional and it`s very easy to work with him. I recommend him 100%."
"Easy to communicate, pleasure to work with! "
"She did an amazing job on my song!! I’m very happy with it! she’s such a great singer and songwriter! No revision needed! I’ll be working with her again! ❤️❤️"
"TIP TOP! Complete professional with fantastic style and instinct. Thank you, Chuck! Superb quality and eager to do the best he can do."
"This man's mixing talent is amazing. Started with a muddy track of mine which I struggled to mix and get the drums to hit hard. I thought it was impossible to get rid of the muddyness but he did just that. And great h..."