Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Friday Night Song Club
Owner of Surprise Studio in Buellton, California. Reach out about your project!
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More providers:
Kyle Horvath Producer 400m+ Streams Multiple Billboard charts Placements on ABC, Disney, ESPN, CW, Netflix, National Geographic, MTV, and more. I have worked with top writers, producers, & artists (The people behind Sean Mendez, Chain Smokers, Eminem, Selena Gomez, etc)
Quarter-finalist on NBC's The Voice (Team Adam) - Blind Audition earned a 4 chair turn-around. Since working as a recording artist & YouTube personality in LA - has recently relocated to NYC. Specializes in pop/funk/rock with a keen ear & innate sense for harmonies. Flexible in both range & style - here to work hard & make some damn good music!
Italian producer - Vibes provider - Instrumentalist with a special focus on Hip Hop, Nu Soul, Bedroom Pop
I am a singer/ songwriter based in London.
Professional-quality mixing on a budget
Recent writing & production cuts with Kimbra, Joe Goddard & Flight Facilities have cemented me in the electronic realm as a producer/writer, for labels Future Classic, Toolroom Records & Dim Mak. In 2018 I was a participant at Red Bull Music Academy, Berlin & now reside in NYC working with Grammy Award winning artists + have my own project BRUX.
I'm spetialized in lound metal, punk and rock music mixing and mastering.
soulful pop vocalist and arranger. 500k+ streams on spotify.
Recent Successes
"Andrew did an amazing job writing & singing on my track and it sounds awesome! The process was smooth sailing from the start and I will definitely work with him again."
"Nate is amazing, he's delivered exactly what I asked for within a few days. Very responsive, skilled and organized. Couldn't have asked for more. Would definitely work him again. "
"7:30 PM: Uploaded the sheet music for my song 9:30 PM: Received perfectly recorded tracks So glad I got to work with Luke and would definitely hit him up for more work."
"This is my third track with Rosanna. It started out with only a male vocalist, and then i had to bring in a female singer also. I landed on this girl once again. And she basicly nailed it again! Very kind, good writer..."
"Universal Scoring provided a great score for my short animated film, "The Closet"; project files were organized and easy to find and share, understood the needs and desires for my film and composed a unique score that..."
"What can I say that hasn’t already been said by others and myself what an incredible guy Scott is we’ve worked on a few projects together and each one is has been better than the last! Just a freaking awesome guy I ge..."
"Terence is such an awesome person to work with. The level of musicianship and professionalism he brought to this project was at the highest level. He's a great person, fun to work with and strong communicator!"
"Jeff was very timely. He exceeded my expectations and did a world class job. I would def recommend! "
"Working with Ivy is a great experience. She is an absolute professional and very flexible. She listens to your requests and arranges based on your input while still maintaining her vibe in the track. Overall, I would ..."
"Another incredible experience working with Kuyano. Amazing communication and creative execution! Always a pleasure to work with him. Highly recommended!"