Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with French 79 - Diamond Veins (VER:WEST remix)
GRAMMY Award winning producer in the Best Remixed Recording Non Classical category. 15+ years of experience in EDM ghost production, remixing, mixing & mastering.
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Professional Keyboardist under Interscope, and Warner Music Group for 6 years. WIDE array of genres and styles. Let's Jam!
Creative composer & singer with Trance & Deep House Specialization.
Creative Guitar Player and Music Producer. Specialize in Alternative/Indie to Rock and Extreme Death Metal
The Inspiration Man
The secret of happiness is to do what you love, but the secret of success is to love what you do
Young talented multi-award winning Singer, Songwriter, Producer, Mixing & Mastering Engineer. Specializing in African Rhythm & Harmony.
Recent Successes
"Chris is very professional and a pleasure to work with. He's been a huge asset on a large project. I'm starting another project with him right away. "
"a true professional, there's no one one better than Nick!"
"Yoed is an awesome musician. This is my first time having a string arrangement for a song on SoundBetter, and he nailed it. He worked on the project right after I reached him in the morning and done it in the afternoo..."
"Working with Sean was incredible. He communicated every step, had very wise musical suggestions, and was timely. His patience was comforting as he brought the mix to exactly what I envisioned in my head. I would absol..."
"Sophia crushed it. It was exactly what we needed to get this project over the goal line. We will be sending more songs to her in the near future. "
"Great collaboration and communication! Austin is easy to work with and the results always exceed my expectations!"
"Matt was fantastic as always. He always listens to the exact vision the artist wants and does his best to bring that into reality. We love using his services! "