Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with John Legend - All Of Me (Tiesto Remix)
GRAMMY Award winning producer in the Best Remixed Recording Non Classical category. 15+ years of experience in EDM ghost production, remixing, mixing & mastering.
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Compositor, Productor en formacion y estudiante de Op. de Sonido.
Who I am: Music producer, Songwriter, Vocal Producer, Mixing & Mastering Engineer. I worked as an engineer, vocal producer & mixer at RedOne Studios (Lady Gaga's producer from The Fame, The Fame Monster albums).
I've written and worked with a lot of industry heavyweights. I have tons of experience, since being in the industry at the age of 11.
Hi! I am an online professional drummer, and I want to help you make your song sound amazing. Please, feel free to check my profile. I am looking forward to start recording the best drums for your music.
I'm a songwriter/composer/producer/engineer in LA. I do much of my work out of my own studio. I'm always looking for honesty in songs and particularly enjoy working with singer/songwriters.
If you are looking for a wordsmith or unique melodies, I'm your girl. Not so much a singer/songwriter, more of a rhymer and keyboardist, known to scratch a mean record! I don't have much professional experience to brag about, as I haven't had anything published, but I have had the majority my work stolen, so I know it's good enough to make it.
Recent Successes
"Jake is a true professional. He brought the emotion and swag that was needed on our project. I look forward to collaborating again in the near future."
"Yianni is an Exceptional Producer and Musician. He was Intuitive about the sound that would suit my style and was Incredibly patient to meet me to get to understand my visions before we recorded in his Studio. He is I..."
"Brother Scott is hitting one home run after another out of the ballpark:) A masterful vocalist with endless creativity and personality!! All wrapped into epic tunes!! It's been an excellent adventure on the ZUGU bus a..."
"Only person I go to for mastering !"
"Once again Vic knocked this one out of the park. I gave him a very challenging project to mix & from the first pass mix, blew me away. It had a big kick and a big bass that I wanted to coexist and roar throughout the ..."
"voice, melody, recording.. everything on high level. great creativity! work with her :)"
"He's perfect. I made the song perfectly like magic. The feedback is fast and kind and the quality is so good. I want to continue working with you."
"Amazing and very talented musician. Highly recommended. My #1 go-to person when I think of fiddle."