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Free municipal consortium of Syracuse Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Vocals and Topline/Songwriting
IG: vincejohnmusic
Hello fellow music lovers! Looking for that rockin' guitar on your song? Or maybe that rumbling bass on your other track? Look no further!
-Quiero ser ese captus 🌵 que le da frescura 🌬a un desierto🏜 donde todos los granos de arena son iguales-
CNTRL, Vague Absence and my own projects are the ones that i have worked on. My main goal it is to achive a great sounding mix for your song
provide you an impressive modern rock and metal mix
Recent Successes
"TI is definitely someone to consider for your project! He took the time to help us correct my mistakes on older songs, patient with all my questions, went over everything in detail, good communication, fast, made our ..."
"Ruslan delivered a great piece for my track and took to a whole new level! Highly recommended! "
"Little was amazing to work with. Super friendly & really catered to my needs!"
"great work! recommended :)"
"franZ is definitely the man you need to lift your track to the next level.Thanks!"
"Absolutely love what Yoad did again! Sooo good! A track that was absolutely impossible to mix for me, he mastered with such a brilliance. He brings your tracks to a completely new level. "
"Very pro ! As usual"
"Fred Crushing it as always. Been my go to guy for over 2 years now and he does a great job of creating a well balanced master. I make Progressive house music and he knows what he's doing in that genre for sure. "
"Great working with Chris again. I gave him some abstract ideas for mixing of the song and he followed them and delivered a great mix. "