Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Frankie Allan
I'm a Music Producer/Mastering Engineer, specialising in UK music, Dance, Hip Hop.
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Eric is a Grammy-nominated recording engineer and mixer with RIAA Gold and Platinum record certifications. Starting off working as a house engineer for legendary producer Bassy Bob he also worked as a staff engineer at The Magic Shop as well as operated Vacation Island Recording in NYC with Matt Boynton. Eric is now located in Los Angeles, CA.
We write songs to your lyrics, we write lyrics, make vocal recordings in our singing studio and write music in all styles. From ballads, pop to songs in Dutch. And all of this at very affordable prices. For more information take a look further on on our website. Make your own song!
Hello, I am a freelance Mix/Master engineer based out of Melbourne Australia, I work out of a small studio located in the washroom out the back of my house. I have spent an extensive amount of time, money and effort treating this space to get the best acoustic results possible, and am now ready to share this space with the world.
Writing is recommended for you, why? This is a question that I am launching to every one who has hobby of writing song.Change your hobby of writing become writing as a media to earn money so that you get two benefits of writing. Are you in free time? Do you want to make your time more useful by doing particular activity for earning rewarding?
My sound is amazing 20+ year engineer - Manley Slam Mastering version, Massive Passive, focusrite red2, neve 1073s, Neumann u67
I can usually deliver High Quality Edited Recordings within 2-3 days depending on the job. You may need me to write lyrics or arrange and record harmonies etc. Drop me a line and we can discuss your budget.
En este blog también encontrarás artículos sobre escritoras como Oliva Sabuco, Josefina de la Torre o incluso sobre la biografía de Concha Espina. Es posible abonarte a su suscripción libros, entra en este sitio y verás porqué tienen tanta fama. La suscripción de obras literarias es muy habitual en otros países como Estados Unidos
Recent Successes
"This guy is like your band member, your partner, your brother. He somehows understand what you're thinking without a word, because you know it'd be hard to explain. He helped me bring my art to a professional level an..."
"Chad, you SOUND really GOOD!"
"Very good and professional."
"Andres reviewed my song, gave me helpful mixing feedback, and delivered a solid finished product. Thank you Andres!"
"Just finished my 6th track set for release in 2021 with Fred and I couldn't be more stoked! Been crushing it with him lately. "
"Levi is a great writer. I loved how our lyrics melted together into a good song. I was surprised how he managed to change my little story into a full and complete story. Would definitely work with him again!"
"Cheshy is a great singer and songwriter and she is truly professional. Efficient and versatile, we will work together again."