Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Francis Goya
Violinist, Composer, Arranger, Audio-Engineer, Audio Prodiction, Audio Designer.
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Jared Waldroff is an up and comer in the electronic music scene with many years of producing and releasing professional grade tracks out to the public. He specialized in the Mixing, Mastering & Production of electronic music. Some of his favourite genres to work on are Future Bass, Melodic Dubstep and Dance.
Soulful Pop Songwriter | Indie Folk | Theatre Performer/Composer
I'd love to hear about your project, and make it sound even greater than it already is. I'm passionate when it comes to accompany artists in their artistic process from the technical side, enhancing all their capabilities to the maximum.
Quality and experienced music production, mixing and mastering at an affordable price! Worked with and supported by the likes of Spinnin', Hexagon, Sony Music, Universal, TMRW, Central Station and more!
I compose hard-hitting and smooth instrumentals as well as write and record deeply felt lyrics and melodies. I can make a unique instrumental for singer-songwriters as well as Hip-Hop Artists and as a vocalist, I can bring out the best of any composition.
Hey there, I'm George, a music producer and mixing engineer. With top-notch production and mixing services, I can help you create a professional sound that captures your artistic vision. Let's work together to take your music to the next level.
Hire me if you'd like a creative producer/mix engineer. I work out of my studio, Maplefield Sound, here in Melbourne Australia. I can easily work with you remotely, wherever you are in the world. Get in touch - I'd love to be a part of your next project.
I am a student engineer dedicated to mixing the best sounding product for your audio projects. Whether you have a musical vision you want realized or a quick mix to clean up a production, I can do it all! I am primarily used to mixing pop, rock, and r&b, but I love all kinds of music and am up for any challenge.
Recent Successes
"It was a pleasure working with Varun! He is super nice, professional, very patient and responsive. He went above and beyond to make sure I was satisfied. I am looking forward to working with Varun again. Highly recom..."
"Pat is a great communicator and quick to give you back professional results. I enjoyed working on my song with him and he helped bring my vision to life. "
"Ziv did a great job. Also, he was very patient in order to understand my needs and to deliver it in the way that made me happy..."
"We have worked together on three or four tracks now. I guess that says it all. Christian is just a great producer, experienced, creative and a total professional. Pleasure to work with."
"SKAM was upgraded "Family Member". We have total confidence with him and he always delivers good rap work. Quick and pro. Good sound and communication. Go and work with him, no doubt"
"Her sheer passion and dedication makes working with her effortless. She knows exactly the type of vibe you're looking for! The flow of the energy was awesome! I feel blessed that somehow she’s able to come up with gre..."
"Matt is an extraordinary mixing engineer. I knew I needed a mix engineer to bring my song to life, and Matt brought it to a level I didn’t think was possible for my song to reach. Matt understands technically what nee..."
"Yoad is an extremely competent mastering engienner. He is also a very nice person to work with. This will probably not be my last project with him as a mastering engineer. Thumbs up!"
"Great Job as usual, our de facto go-to specialist for Canvas."
"Working with Laurel was fantastic. She's super kind, has a great sound, and plays with real feeling. She quickly understood what I needed and delivered it fast. Highly recommend!"