Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Florencia Lira
More than 20 years exploring ways to get the best mix. Always open to try new things with the sound. I'm a recording engineer, a mixing engineer and a mastering engineer. I compose music for my soloist project and for films.
More providers:
DialogueEditing SoundDesign (esp. Atmospheres) SoundDesign for Theatre SoundArtEducation Programms
Sound Engineer, beat maker
I'm a mixing engineer currently located in Toronto, Canada. Working with artists and producers of all levels and from all parts of the world. I take great pride in creating engaging, exciting mixes and putting my clients needs first.
I have never done something different than music!! I'm sure that every little piece of music can sound better just with some help from other ears. We get caught up easily in our 'bubble' as I call it - so asking a friend or trying such a service like soundbetter could help our sound to become what we imagine!
Piano and Keyboard Player for Mayra Andrade, Etienne Mbappé, Paco Sery, Dam'nco, Nina Attal, Ann Shirley and many others.
Monkey has gone mad and become a man.
EDM singer with a smooth, versatile tone. Creative songwriter, easy communicator. Passionate about personally connecting with the tracks I sing on. Let's connect and make something beautiful. x.
Recent Successes
"The work with Ariel was easy! We sent a Playback with melody and lyrics and she delivered the vocal tracks one day later. Very professional and great sounding vocals with additional harmonies. "
"this was professional job because my song come to really quality and i am so happy thanks bro for all"
"Brought the fire to the track, professional and fast turnaround. Impressive. Hope to collaborate again in the future."
"John is an amazing producer and very kind/reliable person to work with. I'm blessed to work with you and I can't wait to work with you again ! Man, you did an awesome job !!!! "
"Tim is worth waiting for. He takes his craft very seriously . He sees each track as a personal project of perfection and above all, he is very patient. He listens and accommodate all your requests. I have him marked a..."
"Jenny was a pleasure to work with. Very responsible and aware, had a very smooth work experience working together! Would 10/10 recommend. Her voice is awesome, it really touched the work in a unique way and gave the r..."
"This guy is literally the best on the platform! I've worked with a few other engineers on this platform and no one else even compares to Max! I will be working with him a lot going forward!"
"took our project to the next level with a super clean mix. evidently passionate about his craft as he exceeded all expectations. super easy to communicate with and a genuinely nice guy. would highly recommend!"
"Great Job? Turnaround was super, and during the holiday that was incredible. Input was on point, and of great value. It took the mix right where it needed to be. Already sending a new project."