Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Flamenco Session Raúl Jimenez
Flamenco guitar, Flamenco producer, Flamenco beat maker. Flamenco composer.
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Hey! I'm Ashea, a platinum selling songwriter, producer and audio engineer based in London, UK. Credits incl: Alan Walker, Holy Goof, TS7, Sony, 2Tone, Kiss FM, X Factor. My no1 aim is to help artists turn their song ideas into 100% radio-ready tracks. I specialise in producing & writing pop and Top 40 style music in all its wonderful forms.
I have been creating my own music as well as writing and assisting with production for other independent artists for almost 15 years. Although it was not until recently I decide to go fully independent and take my music to the next level. When it comes to song writing/lyrics, beadmaking or needing a rapper. I am your guy! Lets get to work!
I quickly catch onto the feel of a project and enhance the cooperation between elements both abstract and tangible, enabling a well-balanced experience that fosters relatability and captures target audience connection.
I am a Mixing and Mastering engineer with 7 years of experience. I have had the privilege of collaborating with top industry artists as well as emerging indie superstars. When working on your productions, I'll approach them with respect and dedication, aiming to bring out their best potential. Ears over eyes is my guiding principle.
I’ve been lucky enough to work with musicians from around the world in bands and for a range of music projects, large and small. Everybody involved always brings something unique- experience, vision, imagination, creativity, passion, determination, energy, a voice, and an unbelievable amount of musical talent.
We were a '90s band, just before the soft-wave.
Diverse production skills. Excel with Hip-Hop, R&B and Afrobeats.
Production of the Promo Video for the German Streetwear Brand Unfair Atletics' Spring Collection Beat Production for German Rap Artists like Lafa and Adi Space
Recent Successes
"Mike was very fast and delivered exactly what I needed for a good price. "
"Jaytech was very quick to act on my changes when needing them, he helped me with a super important track and even though it wasn't in the same genres as he's probably use to he did an excellent job bringing my ideas t..."
"Paul was just given a piano/vocal and did a full string arrangement on a song for a children's musical with two separate musical ideas. He connected the ideas seamlessly and gave the track the epic feel I was looking..."
"Working with Thir13een was a fantastic experience! He worked fast and created an amazing/extremely professional vocal demo for me. Vocals were incredible. I will be recommending him to others and hope to work with him..."
"Austin's meticulousness, patience and eagerness to nail every detail is refreshing. He has the drive a person has on the first day of a job and the experience of a veteran. It has been a pleasure shaping my sonic visi..."
"Tim was super flexible during our project. He delivered great files that perfectly fit to the project's description including lots of options, also with a very fast turnaround which was mindblowing! Also Tim was very ..."
"Jaki gave me another incredible performance, full of pathos, intense and well-harmonized vocal details, I already assume that this track will be in great demand in the world of film and TV music. Thanx Jaki for your p..."
"Great job with a song cover!"
"Amazing a++++"