Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with fin and fil
My name is Niño Vasquez, 26 years old and I've been producing music since I was 15 years old. I studied in Pop Jazz Konservatorio and just recently graduated, as a professional producer. I produced songs for Fin and Fil which has now over 75k monthly listeners and around 6 million streams. I play guitar, sing and beatbox,produce, mix and master.
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Classically trained pianist with a modest vintage synth collection.
Music Producer / Mixing / Mastering
¡Hola! Soy productor, ingeniero en grabación y post producción de audio. Vivo en Buenos Aires, Argentina y mi objetivo es cumplir con las expectativas del cliente. Tengo mi propio estudio tratado acústicamente para grabación y mezcla con lo que logro muy buenos resultados a bajo costo.
Hey there! I’m Ian, a musical theatre performer with a tenor voice (I can also sing as a baritone). I can do different styles like pop, classical, pop-rock, jazz, and musical theatre. I have been singing and performing for more than a decade, and I can well translate that experience to your song.
As a music producer, I bring artists' creative vision to life through sound production and engineering. I use technical skills and creativity to record, mix, and master tracks that meet the highest standards of audio quality, with the ultimate goal of creating music that resonates with people on an emotional level.
Music producer with passion and love for music
18+ year lead/rhythm acoustic and electric guitar player with experience songwriting and session playing for various projects. Looking to add some guitar flavor to your next project? Lets connect :)
Independent Brazilian Hip Hop/R&B Music Producer/Songwritter/Artist
Recent Successes
"Super cool dude, Easy to work with"
"Scott was fantastic to work with. He was most accommodating to my needs and delivered his vocal tracks within 12 hours of my request. Outstanding vocals and talent! "
"Brian is fantastic! This was our second time working together and I’m really glad I continued to work with him. He was really patient with me figuring out exactly what I wanted and he delivered. I’m so excited about h..."
"Fran doesn't underwhelm! He is super professional, friendly, and understands the craft of creating music. He is very communicative and patient. I gave him somewhat of a direction/vibe to take the song and he delivered..."
"Leo did a beautiful job on this piano part. He really capture the intention of my rough song idea. He also gave me two versions to pick from. I totally recommend him!"
"Have you ever had the feeling that after working with someone for a while, that "magic" just kicks in naturally and effortlessly? My experience with Giuliano is like that and it -- and his work -- has been such a gift..."
"It was an absolute pleasure to work with Alix! She’s very professional, kind, responsive, and an excellent singer. I’m pretty particular about who I work with and I was looking for a specific type of sound for this tr..."
"Beautiful playing, clear communication, and high quality recordings are only a few things that makes working with Tal so great. She is an absolute pro and brought magic to our music. Highly recommend!"