Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Film In Latino
Multi-genre Producer, Engineer & Multi-instrumentalist for your song or film. Idk man, I just wanna move people with our music.
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Top Polish DJ and music producer with over 16 year experience. Supported by: David Guetta, Ummet Ozcan, Blasterjaxx, Nervo, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Chuckie and more. Last works released on Playbox Music Records.
Professional vocalist with amazing voice having different paints / World music, African, Flamenco, Cuban, Russian vocals, back vocals, soft vocals, lounge, bright and strong.
I am a sound producer and director of cinema.
Welcome to a world of live music, sweet to the ears and healing to the soul. #AjlMuzic #HitMeLive
I am a full time Artist under the name So Sick Vic and making music is my passion. I do everything for myself as an artist which is making the beat as a producer, as well as dong my own mixing and mastering. With my years of experience in all 3 fields, I would love to use my tricks and techniques to make you and your song sound better!
You need a subpar producer? Go find one cuz I'm better than that.
I'm a professional vocalist/songwriter, and I've been working as a singer/songwriter for 8+ yrs.
"Hello, I am a sound engineer and a seasoned artist with two decades of experience in the creative industry. Over the past decade, I've honed my expertise in sound engineering, mastering the craft of capturing and shaping audio to perfection.
Recent Successes
"Dan was recommended to me from a friend and after working with him, I understand why. His can do attitude, speed (without sacrificing quality) and his generally awesome customer service have made him a pleasure to wor..."
"Such a great experience. Andres worked with my tight deadline and was very helpful in the last phase of the mix with his review. Communication was incredible, as he has an assistant who also helps in responding, which..."
"Great experience working with Roy. Very professional and experienced. Roy was quick to respond and easy to collaborate with. Roy had great suggestions and provided sonic options for consideration. Thanks Roy for makin..."
"Highest professionalism and quality."
"I just finished another job with Fabian and as always I'm very happy with the communication, his pace of work and of course the result. 100% recommended!"
"Again, Rudi has always treated my projects at the highest industry quality level and I'm always glad to work with him. I truly recommend Rudi for any project and will definetly continue to work with him, Thanks Rudi!"
"Thank you again for your help with sound quality and very valuable feed back"
"Working with Juliett is a truly enriching experience. Her professionalism is admirable, and her demeanor brings a positive and welcoming atmosphere to the workplace."
"As usual, amazing job writing lyrics and singing them!"
"Amazing drums! The band and I are very happy with the result and I couldn't recommend Nate more highly! To the next production!"