Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Aftergrace
Mixing engineer with experience working in music alongside/with the best in the Nashville CCM, Pop and Country scene.
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Miloco specialises in providing the very best recording studios and expertise to its international client base. Based in London Miloco has a wide range of studios including a selection of core rooms spread across London and the UK, and an international collection of amazing studios based all around the world.
TwentyFourSeven Music is a music production studio based in Brighton, England run by musician Jake Stimson. Jake's worked with artists on major labels such as Sony Music and Warner Records.
Studio22 is focused on listening,balancing and adding creativity to a mix so that the listener a moment that they can escape from reality for a few minutes.
mid sized recording studio with carefully designed custom acoustics, a great collection of analog and digital recording equipement, instruments and tools from the last 5 decades. graduated audio engineer (Tontechniker eidg. FA by audio engineering society and swiss gouvernement) in love with experimental stiles
Pay the right money for the best work
We always work hard to make GetPapers your foremost choice for academic writing services.
I strive to bring the quality of a vision to life, then strive to make that moment last a lifetime. On March 11, 2023, I released my first project, "Sins of a Goddess", which is available on all streaming services.
Producer, engineer and Vocalist with over 10 years of experience. Credits include Carbon Fiber Music (Farruko), Nahuel the coach, Audiio, Instyle Music and many more.
Recent Successes
"Always great working with Josh! He is an incredible talent and always professional! "
"Denny absolutely NAILED our project together. He took every minute of it seriously, and carefully put together something incredibly powerful through his storytelling. His level of professionalism was incredible and I ..."
"Josh nailed this song. It’s always a pleasure working with him. He knows exactly what I want"
"it was a pleasure to work with Sara! she's very energetic, reliable, delivers a very high quality, she has a great voice, she writes cool lyrics & last but not least: Sara has a veeeery great personality! we would lik..."
"It was such a pleasure to work with Josh. He really wants the artists to be satisfied with their work, And after being on a call with him, He's just a really genuine, down to heart guy, that loves doing what he does. ..."
"The man to go to 🫱🏽🫲🏼🫱🏽🫲🏼"
"Once again another amazing job by Austin. Super fast return too on the master and it sound beautiful"
"Federico is AMAZING!!! Excellent communicator, incredible and creative producer with years of experience!!! He transforms all projects according to your needs. He truly is an EXCELLENT producer!!!"