Fiddle in New York
Brooke Jessica Kaio is expert in digital marketing
Violinist, violist, guitarist, and arranger who has performed and recorded with John Cale, Lizzo, Durand Jones and the Indications, Aaron Frazer, Iris Dement, The Hot Sardines and Lady Lamb, and has extensive experience in film scoring, branded content, and commercial music.
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Ghost Production/Remixer/Beat Maker
A great mix is what takes a song from a nice idea to something you feel. A great mix is what sets the scene for the story you want to tell. A great mix is what takes a song from "timely" to "timeless." A great mix is what you need and I will deliver!
Latin Pop & urban producer, Songwriter and session guitarist.I have written songs for renowned artists such as Luis Fonsi, Cali y el Dandee, Sebastián Yatra, Mau y Ricky, Mora, Morelli, Victor Drija, Chiquis Rivera and more. As a producer I've worked with multiple artists and top notch producers such as Andres torres, Mauricio Rengifo and Jon Leone
Premium mixing, mastering and audio post production based in south London. Authentic analogue sound with world class equipment.
As a devoted producer, I've had the opportunity to work with some local talent. I'm looking forward to working with more individuals who really want to grow in this industry.
A qualified sound engineer & trained musician merged into one. Get the best of both worlds working with a guy who understands what it means to be an artist. All without having you pay an absurd amount of money.
Credits include Cee Lo Green, Elliot Root, Lahos. Nashville grown writer/performer, now living and working in Berlin. Specialising in creating timeless music.
Recent Successes
"Awesome job! Chuck recorded drums for and mixed a fairly challenging song with ease. He was always very responsive to communication and quick to provide revisions, accommodating all my feedback no matter how small. ..."
"First project with Matt and delivered what I needed for my song to come to life, felt every word. Sings like he means it. Also a great guy to work with. Worth every cent. Be back for future projects. "
"Always a great mix/master. Super fast turnaround."
"Arthur is a master at his craft, adaptable to any genre you can think of. I’m truly pleased with the song we’ve created and highly recommend him to anyone looking to start a song from scratch or already drafted. He’s ..."
"He is the best !! My songs went to another level thanks to Jeff!! Thank you so much!!"
"My review might be a drop in the bucket, but what Yoed did for my client's project was HUGE and literally changed the whole feeling of the track in a great way. Pros like Yoed keep this world spinning, telling you!"
"Direckt was a pro's pro - efficient, clean communication, enthusiasm that came through in his messages to us about the track, and he didn't over-produce the final result - it was true to the work provided, just with t..."
"Awesome experience working with Fresh, he came up with a dope track that incorporated all the elements that I was looking for, I am already working with him on the next one, I highly recommend!!!"