Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Everything Everywhere All At Once
Broadway player and award-winning violist who has played in a wide range of settings from Saturday Night Live, to the New York Philharmonic and Houston Symphony Orchestra, to onstage with Ariana Grande, Pete Townshend, Coldplay, and Solange. I've also done orchestrations for classical settings, R&B, and Off-Broadway. Feel free to message me!
My name is Keir Schmidt. I'm a producer, composer, engineer, and mixer, living in Los Angeles. Most recently I co-composed the score to the show Single Drunk Female with Ryan Lott (Son Lux). I've also been the Associate Music Producer for Joseph Gordon-Levitt's company Hitrecord, where I produced on two Emmy Award winning TV shows.
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Songwriting & Producing services.
My name is Douglas Clayton. I am a Mastering Engineer for QC Mastering. I attended the SAE institute in Atlanta, GA. I have 10 Years Experience and some of my mastering credits include Future,Migos,Rihanna,and Rick Ross.
Multi instrumentalist/Producer Professional Creative
I will record your entire dream guitar track with the exact specifications of your choice. My background is rooted in good ol' Rock 'n Roll alongside Blues, Jazz, and Metal elements, and interleaving various exotic styles such as Flamenco, Latin, and Afrobeat.
I'm an up and coming engineer with a variety of experience, from local to national acts and spanning genres from jazz to metal. I work with you to ensure your record has a unique sound to set you apart from the pack! More information on me, what i do, and who i work with at lenasutter.com
IG: @OliseForel | http://OliseForel.com Started animated album cover loops with music in 2017. I have animated 1000+ album covers. Def Jam, Universal Music, Cinematic, Fat Beats, Verzuz, Public Enemy, Young M.A., T-Pain, Yungeen Ace, Lettuce Funk, Sun Bronx, Moving Silence and many more...
HEY, IM DAVID (ALSO KNOWN AS VADAN). I WANT TO PERSONALLY WELCOME YOU. I started out as a curious kid fascinated by music and sound. Eventually I learned how to play the Piano and write songs at the young age of 12. Once I got to a point where some people were starting to resonate with my music, I knew I needed to find a way to gain more exposure
Big, fun soundscape add lips, harmonies, production, notation or lead vocals.
Recent Successes
"Yonni is extremely professional and responded very quickly every time I sent him a message. I am amazed by how good he made my song sound! The mix and master is VERY clean sounding! Will definitely work with this guy ..."
"In a world of choice it seems only best to work with who is excelling all others in composition, thought ,timbre and raw emotion. Marcello brings all the above to life in every work he dose for ninefifteen. Thanks ..."
"Hollie did an amazing job, doing everything that was asked and more. She is very talented and I would highly recommend her!"
"Had a really great experience with Austin! He was communicative and really responsive to the feedback I sent him!!! "
"Another great experience working with Patrick. He is an awesome guy and a great musician. Thanks, Patrick!!!"
"Serouj is an awesome writer, it has been a great experience in working with him.."
"Wonderful experience with 305 Horns. Not only did they play the parts I sent them exactly as written, they communicated clearly, were insanely fast with turnaround time but they also brought the perfect sense of live-..."
"This is the third joint project with Eileen. This time entirely in Spanish. I am invariably full of appreciation for the mega professional approach, phenomenal interpretation and creative support in the vocal melodic ..."
"I've been a full-time commercial composer/songwriter for over thirty years, have worked with tons of mixing and mastering pros. Josh is as good as it gets. The eleven songs he mastered for me sound fantastic. And work..."