Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Eternal sub
I produce all genres of electronic music. more than 25 million views on all the tracks I worked on. It will be a pleasure to work with you to reach your highest level of quality.
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Professional and established freelance Music Producer and Engineer since 07.
Hi my name is Scott Aragon My goal for working in the Audio industry is having my own home studio and record tracks with a slapping beats that knocks you out your seat, I supply the Studio and my time and Be apart of the creative process…
I have a passion for writing and recording music. I'd love to be able to add the parts you're looking for to your song or album!
Giovanni Cilio, live and studio session drummer from Florence, Italy.
I am a degree in music, I am a producer musician, I do mixing and mastering for independent artists and I manage an audiovisual production company.
I am a Music producer with over 15 years of experience with all kind of music genres. Winner of Pepsi Music Awards. I am a composer as well, I can make simple melodies or orchestral complex compositions from groovy and catchy beats to movie soundtracks. I am an expert on Vocal Tuning and vocal processing.
Worked with David Kalmusky, John Oates, Meghan Patrick, Dave Hagen, Chris Leidhecker, and more. I have experience producing masters, demos, and mixing. Won 1st Place Overall in AES's Spring Student Mixing Competition.
Recent Successes
"This is my 3rd time working with this guy and I will be back again and again and shall look no further. His ability to mix and develop the sound you as the artist are looking for is incredible and in addition he has a..."
"Can't say enough good things about Julian and his mastering work. He was nothing but conscientious during the process. Definitely intending to collaborate with him again soon!"
"I have been waiting for a while to find a certain vocalist for an alternative type of indie song I wrote.. I was delighted when I came across Ben and he didnt let me down putting a lot of great effort into the song...."
"JayyDee was amazing to work with. He really completed the vision I had for my track. Incredibly professional and timely. Can't recommend him enough. Would definitely work with him again in the future. "
"Fantastic work on producing yet another song. Trey clearly defined what needs to be done to create continuous development along the track, came up and recorded additional parts, and made a transparent and yet so drivi..."
"Me and Chris collaborated on a small project. He was very professional, responsive, and has a great voice. "
"Ocean Studios really pays attention to the song and really works to make the mix fit the song. Such a great ear and awesome to work with."
"So great to work with! I can't say how grateful I am to have a great team!! 5 stars for sure."
"Simon created another great remix; It's always exciting to hear what he brings to his version of the songs. "
"Working with Diego was a real pleasure! He communicated clearly, delivered fast, and produced high-quality results. His transcriptions and compositions were perfect. Highly recommended!"