Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Etéreo
Producers mainly focused in modern metal
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Do you need a song produced, mixed or mastered? Struck By Sound is here to help you with these music services. Struck By Sound has been producing and mixing & mastering music for over 20 years! Let experience and skill be your foundation for a great track or album with Struck By Sound.
I’ll create any type of song, in any genre in any style.
Need help turning your feelings into lyrics? Or even just find the words to express what a beat makes you feel - then I'm the writer you want to work with! Straight up, I'm just tryna vibe with you.
Music is passion and without passion life is colorless. I specialize in writing choruses and I’ve got a wide range of vocal styles and techniques. I also play a wide range of instruments.
Music is my passion. Making beats just takes me away. I’m very versatile in my music. I can make hip hop to Reggie to dance to Rock.
AI-powered music producer blending cutting-edge technology with creative artistry to craft unique, high-quality tracks that stand out.
Recent Successes
"AUSTIN IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!! This is my SECOND time using him as my WING-MAN in music, and I can say with much POSITIVITY, this is one of many more to come!!!!!!!!! He is reliable, dependable, and EXTREMELY easy to work..."
"Excellent! I am extremely happy with my demo. I would work with him again and again! ☺️"
"These guys are fantastic to work with and are able to turn around the work quickly and the sound quality is pro level. They will always be the first I consider. Highly recommend working with them. "
"Chuck and I have collaborated for a while now and he hits the nail on the head every time. My advice? ''leave it to him'' he finds the soul of the song and works a drum routine around that."
"Chris is a master drummer who performs passionately and precisely under direction but also has the ability to implement his sharp creative edge when necessary. Highly recommend. "
"Honestly Ziv could turn plain rice into Manna from Heaven! He has given us many uptempo songs flavor that you didn’t realize you had in your initial draft of your song. He takes your track many steps further and in ..."
"Nate is great to work with, easy to communicate with, and is a great player. "