Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with erika smith
Elevate Your Music with a Dynamic Vocalist and Songwriter. Are you looking for a unique voice to bring your musical vision to life? I'm a versatile vocalist and skilled topline writer with a passion for crafting unforgettable melodies and lyrics that resonate with audiences. Experience in both the studio and live performances.
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Hi I am Anthony, I am 17 and a student and will be going for my certificate and diploma in Audio Engineering and Music Production after this year. I am currently in my second year of part time study and currently trying to get some work experience to improve my skills at mixing and mastering while maybe funding me so I can get higher end equipment.
I am a very technical and creative mix engineer. I know lots of tips and tricks that I can use to get the sound you are looking for. My ideal client has recorded their music and now needs a fresh set of ears to bring something out of the performance that pushes the project over the top.
Audizer is a Detroit based company on a mission to create awesome sounding mixes for the modern musician who is consistently writing and recording music.
João Miguel from "The Twelves", Razante, "Plucking Wings". Also a partner from Sonido, an audio production company based in Brazil, Portugal, Buenos Aires and USA. More than 20 years of experience producing music. I also do sound design/SFX, audio treatment for films/ads.
Have you ever imagined a world without music? I have and I am sure it must suck, given that music is a way to share ideas and emotions. I want to help you to share those feelings with the people, together, we can achieve great things.
Deep down, I really want to be an actor. But in the meantime, I'm pretty good at music and stuff.
Hello! I am Mariana, a Colombian Jazz Singer with a strong Latin Folk Background, I have been working as a freelance singer and teacher for the past 10 years.
I am a drummer who is available for session projects. Drum composing and drum recording is the work I offer and I will do my best to get a smile on your face and to make you and your band satisfied. You will also get a drum transcription as PDF and GuitarPro file. Let's make some music! :)
Recent Successes
"Tony delivered quality vocals and did so in great time. Didn't have to wait long, didn't have to re-take the set, just clean professional work. It was a pleasure working with you man!"
"WONDERFUL to work with! My daughter is SO happy with her songs and the full production of them. "
"Once again: Great & fast mastering-service!! "
"Ines did a fantastic job and the vocals sound very good on my song!"
"Very fast turn around, and great arrangements. Thank you Yoed! Will hire again."
"ABSOLUTE MASTER AND LEGEND! Honestly, Caden has been nothing but an honest and great pleasure to deal with and work with! Never a doubt or worry during the process of getting him to work with me on mastering my music...."
"A very brilliant and talented pianist and composer. This highly professional musician works very smart not only hard.And the end result is magic. Excellent piano track Leo...... Keep on giving us the best of you. Th..."
"quick, efficient, helpful service, thanks!"
"Freddie Banks is an incredible multifaceted musician with an ear for music and production that would be invaluable for any stage of the music-making process. Whether your song is in its beginning stages or it’s nearly..."