Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Erika de Casier
Hi there! My name is Kiri. I’m an audio engineer, producer, DJ, and artist based in Brooklyn. I specialize in pop and dance music. I’ve been lucky enough to work with top artists, including Caroline Polachek, FKA twigs, Lolahol, Eartheater, LSDXOXO, and more. I take your passion projects, professional or casual, and make them radio-ready.
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Lake Malvik is a new residential high-spec writing and recording facility located in the village of Runemo in idyllic Northern Sweden. Nestled in the tranquil pine forests, the studio has been built in a large detached farm house featuring three luxurious guest bedrooms that provide the accommodation for Malvik's visitors.
We are a full service recording studio. Our two engineers have years of experience and specialize in many genres. With a background in performing and writing music, our team understands your needs and ideas.
I will give you a Professional sound for the best price. I have produced for various artists and have a lot of experience.
Hip-Hop/R&B engineer with a passion for making artists ideas come to life
I love to create music that is powerful, intense, and moving.
Poetic punchlines. Crazy Melodies. Angelic Voice
Professional musician for years at first, I entered an Audio engineering School called ESIS in Paris. Ended up in Nashville Tennessee, working with the greatest such as Ryan Hewitt (Red Hot Chili Peppers), Chad Carlson (Taylor Swift), Julian King, Eddie Bayers, and many others... More than a job, its a passion
Vuoi produrre un brano da top 10 o vuoi un mix e master da top mondiale? Sei nel posto giusto!
Recent Successes
"Austin is a really attentive and talented producer. He is always on top of things and will deliver a great product."
"Exceptional. Wes was as professional as it gets."
"Qbical is naturally fast, if you need a job done fast. He's the guy. He's also very informative and hear's his clients out. He also responds no later than a day. Good price & great communication, thanks!"
"Very professional analogue mastering and great attitude! I got just what I wanted and beyond my expectations! "
"Chuck always delivers drum tracks that I love! He always knows what your song needs."
"This is my 9th time to use Jason on vocals and harmony and he did his usual outstanding job! I really enjoy working with him. Thanks, Jason!!!"
"Nik is easy to work with, knows his trade, and really wants you to succeed having the best sounding final product possible. What more could you ask for? I found him to be professional and patient. A few of his observa..."
"Chris was super professional and helpful, took the time to answer questions and help improve my productions. Great guy!"
"Gabriele is always a pleasure to work with! I’m so glad I found him and can go to him for all my further acoustic guitar needs! He’s all that you could want when it comes to this kind of thing: friendly, professional,..."
"I'm very happy with the work that Klaas did on my track. Communication was quick and clear throughout the process, and he made a couple of adjustments to ensure that the final mixdown sounded exactly how I imagined. "
"Noon transformed my song in the most incredible way. She brought her own ideas to help spice-up my existing arrangement, and it really helped the song overall. Also her voice is lovely, vibrant, and moves effortless..."