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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Emanuel Satie
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Here at SoundVision we value your time, your hard-earned money and most importantly your music. We understand and love everything about making music, but nothing compares to the PROCESS of it all. If you don't love the process, then you are in the wrong profession.
Recording, Mixing & Mastering
Recording artist, songwriter, and session singer with extensive genre versatility.
I am a R&B and Pop songwriter and demo vocalist/arranger
Hello! I'm Ian Odessky a talented songwriter, singer, and music producer. With a passion for genres R&B, Latin, Reggaeton, Afrobeat, Trap, I transform ideas into exciting and authentic songs.
I'm a lyric-driven songwriter who uses melody and metaphor to tell sincere stories, and conjure a stylish world listeners will lose themselves in.
Award-winning Cellist with 15 years of performing and recording experience, based in Lille, France. I love to collaborate, have a passion for creating emotive cello parts, and am comfortable playing in any genre or style
I’m Maximo, a producer and composer based in Córdoba, Argentina. My approach has always been to create original music, breaking away from conventional molds to deliver something fresh and unique in every production. Whether you’re looking for an emotional composition or a r a high-energy track, I’m here to bring your vision to the next level.
Recent Successes
"Kris is a fantastic talent with an awesome attitude and great technical skill. I recommend her to any artist looking for a professional vocalist!"
"Fred's masters are quality you rarely find in engineers. Just make sure you explain what you like and don't like in the first revision. He's also pretty fast. He's one of the top engineers I've worked with, and I had ..."
"Once again, thank you Charles for a job well done! You are amazing with your skills, and incredibly friendly person to work with. All the best to you!"
"Great working with Dakota - really made the track come to life with drums, perc, FX, synths, and more. Creative & talented producer that’s very easy to work with"
"Michael, is able to find the chord structure that goes perfectly with anything I throw at him. The man is really gifted. I really enjoy working with him. "
"The best engineer I've worked with till date. We even set up a call to ensure everything is perfect and my song came out exactly as intended. Couldn't be more happier or confident working with a producer of this calibre."