Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Els
My Dedication goes to Music, Music is my mom, Music is my god. If you'r cool and you love music, we should make some good work together.
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Rich is a Music Producer, Songwriter, Mixer & Remixer with releases on Warner, Universal, Ultra (Sony), Armada and other labels. His music has garnered over 30 million streams to date and he's won international songwriting competitions, specializing in Pop & EDM, but works in all genres. Subscribe to my newsletter @ richpilkington.com
No one will ever be able to match what you have poured into your music, but StudioE519 will invest whatever it can to convince you that someone else has.
I will mix, master, produce your tracks ready for radio. I've been producing for 12 years & have tracks on Armada Recordings, Captured Music, Epidemic Sound.
Mezzo-Soprano session vocalist and lyricist.
I am Theo Grasset, Producer, Remixer & Programmer. I work for different independent labels as well as music majors
HOTTEST NEW RECORD IN THE WORLD "Monki - Feels Darker" GRAMMY NOMINATED... Beatport & Traxsource no1’s Multiple top 10’s 100 Million + streams Featured on Pete Tong’s future stars & twice awarded Pete Tong’s essential new tune. UNIVERSAL MUSIC, SONY, WARNER, DEFECTED, ULTRA, ARMADA, ANJUNA, MAU5TRAP & Lots more.
Hi, I'm Kleft, a music producer and engineer from Colombia who's had the honor of working with top labels like eONE Entertainment and talented Latin artists like Bryant Myers, Jamby El Favo, Pacho El Antifeka and more.
Recent Successes
"Not only is Karun a bad ass guitar player, he created a dope melody for my song and gave it the funk and soul I was looking for. I highly recommend!!!"
"Faye is a very kind and polite person to talk to. SUPER talented and hard working person that gives the extra mile to be sure that my thoughts and emotions be properly represented :) I look foward to work with her ag..."
"Dumsk is super quick to reply and will send you multiple versions of your song and in due time too! Very efficient worker who is willing to listen to any feedback. Highly recommend."
"Brian is fantastic! This was our second time working together and I’m really glad I continued to work with him. He was really patient with me figuring out exactly what I wanted and he delivered. I’m so excited about h..."
"An outstanding job! Above and beyond our hopes for this. Thank-you!"
"Matt's the mastering man with the master plan!"
"Jorge, fantastic job. Fast turnaround. Good communication. All tracks, 2 congas, 2 cajon, bell and shaker, best and accurate recordings. Used congas and cajon throughout, and kicked in bells and shaker for the chorus...."
"Her voice radiates from within, it took my song to a whole new level. She was in constant communication with me and asked me questions prior to singing and made sure I was happy during and after the song was complete...."
"Another amazing track! I truly love the work we have accomplished. Ariel is a genius and truly captures the artists vision. Hands down best engineer!!!"