Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ella baila sola
Grammy Awards and multiplatinum mixer Engineer. Almost 30 years experience.
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Hello, I'm J Vega. I've been working in Class A studios across America for 20 years. I've produced, engineered, mixed, and mastered hundreds of artists and bands on both studio and live recordings ranging from Rock, Pop, Electronic, Acoustic, Folk, Indie, Punk, Hip Hop, and Experimental
Deejay, producer, sound designer, music engineer, writer.
We are an audio recording and mixing studio located on the border of Queens/Brooklyn NY. Contact us today for your audio needs.
• Leonard Wolf has worn many hats; music producer, songwriter, composer, music supervisor, vocalist, audio engineer and sound designer to name a few ...
Multi Grammy Award-winning Mastering Engineer with 28 years of experience in Mastering and 42 years working in the audio business.
Music is my life. Recording, Mixing and Producing is the joy of my life. I play and record music since 1982. My type of production has rather artistic approach.
The sensitive combination of music, visual and emotion open for me the doors into the delicate world of media composition. Coming to serve a higher audience experience and to embrace the viewer with the film's emotional journey.
Welcome to Pulsejet Studio
Recent Successes
"She went above and beyond. Nice to work with her. "
"Easily the fastest job posting to stem file delivery turnaround that I have ever witnessed in my entire life!! Not only that, but Wes delivered exactly what was needed, right on point. He's a superhuman voice artist d..."
"Andres did a great job as usual, working with him is a breeze, and the product is done well."
"Second time using Beth, as usual fast turn around and absolutely smashes the vocals. Such a pleasure working with you Beth, thanks again. "
"Another killer job done by Marcello!"
"Martin is a real gem here on SB, he delivered tracks for two songs that turned out more beautiful than I envisioned. He went "above and beyond" is a phrase used often on SB...and when it comes to Martin, it is nothin..."
"Jakey rocks hard. Awesome performances, very very nice to work with, very open and collaborative and quick too! Looking forward to more work together "