Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with "Elipses" - single by Love Crumbs
Award-winning songwriter, producer, mixing engineer, multi-instrumentalist, owner & chief operator of Echo Base Production, one-third of the 2Many Cooks production team, pop/R&B/hip-hop obsessive, Prince devotee, pocket aficionado.
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Need quality mixing or mastering but on a budget!. Look no further because BAPAUDIO we got what you are looking for!.
Hi My name is Ben Dotson. I am an audio post production engineer with lots of industry experience. Friendly, professional and trustworthy , I will always give you a prompt response. Located in the heart of union Square in Manhattan.
Credits with Dishwalla, Amy Grant, Marcy Playground and more. Platinum credits/Billboard and ASCAP Award winner. I LOVE elevating a song to it's full potential.
I've been composing in my laptop for film, documentaries or comercials since mid 90s in a diverse range of styles. I like to experiment from electronic to orchestral or hybrid and not be stucked in the same musical strand. My work, defined as melodic and emotional has been requested from local media firms such as IRIS-Audio Visuais and RTP-Açores.
Talented producer, multi-instrumentalist, with songs on Netflix, USA, Showtime, and more. Focusing on music for sync but open to anything.
I'm a singer/songwriter able to capture warm melancholic moments through music. I specialize in guitar-driven indie pop and would love to lay down some dreamy vocals for you or help you develop a topline/write together!
Living the music, living for the music, living from the music.
I write banger country songs
Recent Successes
"Arthur is super pro and was very helpful defining the direction we want to go with the song. He created such a great production - exactly what I had in my mind! I am super happy!"
"Song 4 just completed. Marcello kept to the original melody that I requested. awesome sound, Mix /mastering are top notch. Can't go wrong here people! awesome sound, price and pro quality. Can i give 10 stars??"
"Berry professional, high quality, efficient work and deliveries before expectation."
"Andrew was great to work with and his product is exceptional. He definitely goes above and beyond what I thought I'd get for his price. He takes time to understand the song, asks the right questions, and gives great a..."
"Gabriela did everything fast and professional. She has a strong voice with an extra unique flavor. This was my second time I did a project with Gaby. Looking forward for the next one."
"Astoundingly wonderful vocals from Maddi, she completely thrilled me with her stunning voice! Not only that, but she worked extremely hard and quickly for me, delivering exactly what was needed before the deadline. Co..."
"Amazingly talented musician and guitar player. Love to work with him! Thanks Amit!!"
"Cory Clark JAMMED On Drums, Bass & Guitar For My Remake of "Truffle Butter" by Nicki Minaj! Wow!"
"Will Was very professional and easy to work with. Will takes his time to create the sound you hope for and communicates with you every step of the process. I would highly recommend Will for any music projects. "
"I greatly enjoy the experience of working with Ziv! He’s an excellent musician and collaborator and a good person."