Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Elena Gadel
Sound engineer specialised in live sessions. Musical background as a double bass player from renaissance to pop music.
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Singing and writing music is one of my greatest passions. I've been singing since i was 8 and now being 25 have yet to lose the drive for it. recently made the decision to take music on full-time because doing anything else just wasn't fulfilling. music is the reason i roll out of bed every morning so its time i surrender completely to it.
A rare combo of producer, studio musician and mixer. My studio is based in North Hollywood, Los Angeles and is fully equipped with amazing gear and instruments.
I have a creative approach to producing music, finding unconventional ways to create conventional sounding music.
A violinist of 27 years. Perfect pitch. Recording artist of 10 years. DIY recording artist; uses AKG c414. I enjoy part writing immensely ! Looking for new friends to Connect with and create !
Focused on getting the best psychedelic sound applied to any musical genre!
Send my your tracks and i'll give it a mix and find the right sound for your song.
You listen to your track for hours and hours wondering why your tracks don't sound as good as the ones on the Spotify. Let me be that Engineer to help you bridge the gap.
Achieve the clarity, impact, and sonic excellence your music deserves! My goal is to help you expand as an artist and grow your fanbase globally! I am very passionate about music and dedicated to helping you realize your musical vision by curating a unique, high quality project, that will leave a lasting impression on your listeners ears forever.
Recent Successes
"It was great working with Deon. He knew what I was after with my mix. He also took my feedback and worked with it. I would definitely get him to do more work for me."
"Skyler is very quick to respond and professional. I'm very happy with her and hope that we can work together again in the future."
"Larry gave me some helpful insight into my mix in things to improve thanks. Great service!"
"It is a privilege to be able to work with a great musician like Jay. Great ideas, execution and communication. Also a pretty nice guy :)"
"Yoed found the perfect arrangement for my song on the first draft he submitted. The cello was recorded beautifully and played with so much feeling and emotion. The turn around was faster than I was able to listen to i..."
"Now I understand the 5 star reviews. Lydia is that rare combo, superb classically trained musician, who can take off from there to add human feeling, warmth, and depth. She added piano on one guitar based song, but I ..."
"What an amazing voice. Please don't use her, she is all mine! Professional, Talented, and, a great songwriter!"
"Dan is the best at his art, he has exceeded my expectations "
"This guys quick "