Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with DVWN
I am an Artist "Mood" with 10+ million streams, Producer, Mixing and Mastering Engineer. I have hit releases featured on Spotify Editorial Playlists 13 times for 9 different tracks. 5-star site-featured seller with hundreds of happy clients on another platform as a producer, mix and mastering engineer.
I am an Artist "Mood" with 15+ million streams, Producer, Mixing and Mastering Engineer. I've worked with hundreds of clients, have releases featured on Spotify Editorial Playlists 13 times for 9 different tracks.
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What up! My name is Brandon. I've been rapping and producing for the last 2 years. I can record your songs as well as mix and master. Hit me up!
Audio and Music producer with a strong background in events and live music high level of education. I've been steering my career into post production and studio projects over the past few months, where my true skills and passion lie. Let's make sounds together!
Producer - Drum Programmer - Writer - William Orbit - Madonna
Looking For that Professional Carribbean Sound. Look No Further !
Producer - Multi instrumentalist
I'm a versatile audio technician with more than a decade experience in the live industry and the studio environment. Specialities are live recordings, mixing, mastering and audio production
Are you starting out and looking for someone to master your track? Book in a session, lesson or ask me a question.
Recent Successes
"John is the business, fast turn around, listens to your input and has a mastery of his craft. Very happy to work with him! "
"J made an incredible work. With patience and time, because of the jet lag (i'm french), we succeed and made a good song. He wrote for us lyrics and was the lead singer. Warm and nice voice. He's very pro and wanted u..."
"Chad is an amazing guitarist and took my draft to the next level well maintaining the original feel. I will work with Chad again. I highly recommend him!"
"Matt crushed the whole process and delivered us a mix that we loved in record time. Matt was quick to make revisions but thoughtful when doing it so we didn't have to go back and revise it constantly. I would highly r..."
"This was 2nd time I work with Betty. And as 1st time she didn't disappoint me :) Great lyric and vocals exaclty what I could expect based on my reference songs. Pleasure to work with her again. Thank You"
"Raymond was friendly, professional and delivered a timely product that I'm also happy with, brings attention and good ears to what he does. Five stars."
"Great customer service. "