Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dustin Kines
Hello! My name is Efrain, I am a session drummer/percussionist, based out of Cleveland, OH
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You can make your garage sound great so long as you fill it with passion.
Producer and multi-instrumentalist
I'm a very reliable person and will always finish the product on time, also if you want to have the greatest sounding and a great product just contact me anytime over here.
Playing bass guitar, guitar. Composing
Union Village Studio is a Productions & Recording Studio located Downtown Brampton, Ontario Canada with professional equipment, staff and atmosphere to bring your creative ideas to life.
Get Award winning talent for your next project
I have released on labels such as STMPD and SMASH DEEP, my music has gained over 2.3M streams in just 1 year and has been supported on radio, festivals (such as Tomorrowland) and by artists like Julian Jordan. I'd love to work with your vision and ideas, bringing my experience to your music, songs and recordings.
Recent Successes
"Marco is a great audio engineer. I'm currently learning a lot of information from him. Very patient and understanding."
"Jake was great from the get go. Easy to communicate to and got the idea I wanted for lyrics straight away and pretty much nailed it in the first draft. Couldn't be happier and highly recommend his services!"
"Great work, I'm very satisfied."
"Arthur is amazing! Super excited about the project we're working on and how far we've come. Excited to start releasing!! Highly recommend."
"Sean have demonstrate to be a true telented singer with a strong pro attitude, he is precise and fast in delivering. I will be truely happy to work with him again in the future!"
"Jeff mixed/mastered my song in a timely manner and really elevated it to the next level. Would definitely work with him again!"
"Rob was awesome! He was patient and communicative. Very happy with the end result!"
"Another great song created with Trey! I couldn’t recommend him enough. He just gets your vision and adds so much more to it. Trey is the best!"
"Couldn't have asked for a better producer for our track. It was an absolute blast working with dibs and will definitely be working with him in the future aswell"
"The collaboration with Jamila couldn`t have been any better. Again a pleasure to work with this professional, experienced and gifted artist. Highly recommended."