Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Duairy
Lucas Agustín Pérez Corbo aka DUAIRY. Producer, composer, eng. Argentine mixer and singer with more than 10 years of experience in creating and composing songs, specializing mainly in urban and alternative genres.
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Multiplatinum music producer (9 millions records sold all around the world) four #1 in european top 40, with over 20 years of experiences. producing, mixing, mastering, composing, arrangements for all styles artist, for all you need we can do it! faster and better. We work with all biggest labels all around the world, Warner music, Universal, Sony.
Female singer who can arrange acapella tracks and play kalimba
Award Winning Musician, Composer, & Music Producer. I've worked on major label and indie projects, songs and albums that have charted on billboard, and have collaborated with some of your faves.
Lucas Agustín Pérez Corbo aka DUAIRY. Producer, composer, eng. Argentine mixer and singer with more than 10 years of experience in creating and composing songs, specializing mainly in urban and alternative genres.
I was born Stephfon DeFrance Shavers in Sardis, MS. I studied music at Dexter Career Center 1991-92. & I studied music at Wayne County Community College 1992-97. I earned my degree in general social studies. Work at Service To Enhance Potential, 12/9/14- present. And I go to The East Vernor Church Of God In Christ Detroit, MI.
Codebridge is a dynamic technology consultancy and software development company specializing in delivering innovative digital solutions.
Sound Designer & Composer for Games, Films, and Commercials
Recent Successes
"Truly a 5 star artist. Marcello is an amazing talent, very professional and easy to work with. Highly recommended."
"This is the second song Joe has written lyrics for and added his vocals on. He's so good! Seriously... incredible harmonies and always communicative. Thanks Joe"
"Once again Austin’s never fails to amaze me. There was a sound that was “ringy” in my production and I don’t know how he did it but it’s not there anymore. My song sounds way more better than I expected it would.His p..."
"Saniyah X did a great job! Her rap was cool and fit the song perfect! It is always a great experience working with Saniyah X! Looking forward to working with her again!"
"This was my first time using SoundBetter.com and I needed a powerful female vocal for my song demo. I heard Brittany's voice and I loved it for the song I was working on. She delivered on time, and did a great job. I ..."
"Thierry makes your songs come alive. The best mixer, he’s very good and knows exactly what he’s doing. I have given up on my songs but now the work he has done gives me Hope again "
"I worked with Sara again. Amazing vocals and very fast delivery. She took the whole song to a new level of professionalism. Looking forward till next time!"
"Nothing to say except absolute perfection. Incredible playing and tone. Could not be happier to work with Sean, super supportive and patient. 11/10 will come back for more. "