Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Billy Manhattan
Lucas Agustín Pérez Corbo aka DUAIRY. Producer, composer, eng. Argentine mixer and singer with more than 10 years of experience in creating and composing songs, specializing mainly in urban and alternative genres.
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Hi All, I have decided to open my studio and offer studio sessions,and remote work I've been producing music commercially for decades and made many genres.Aliases I have produced as include Perpetual Motion / JDS / Jochen Simms / Soul Seekerz / Ruffloaderz. Here are some labels I've worked with: Positiva, Sony , Ministry Of Sound,EMI Def Jam
Being a musician, I always break the barrier between audio engineer's technical mind and musician's creative heart. Que además habla español!
I work as a mixing engineer (specifically rock music) for about 3 years now. I work with different local artists here in Philippines (Cebu City).
I'm a French producer, composer and singer, I learned music by myself since 5 years, I got my own home studio and can record guitars (acoustic or electric), bass, piano/synths, I compose, produce and sing, I specialize in Pop music.
Sound matters! I am convinced that an interesting and good sound is one of the keys to keep the listener‘s attention. I will take your production to a higher level!
Music is my life. I love signing but also writing real songs, with all my soul.
Are you looking for that analog shine in your masters? I am your man. The best analog equipment for mastering for only $35
I can write you a hit single, Hip Hop, Pop, and, RnB. I can put the crazy recording mix on your project that you will feel it’s ready as is. I can write and record you a hook the everybody will be chanting, and my feature will make any track go crazy!
Recent Successes
"Zach is an awesome singer and fantastic guy. He made incredible valuable suggestions. We start our next project soon. Thanks!"
"Superb artist. Understood my vision and made it even better, than I expected. I can only recommend J.O.Y!"
"Joe responded to my job for a M/F duet. SoundBetter does not offer a category for duos (I'm going to suggest SB add it). However, Joe enlisted the talent of his fiance (Gracia). I've never attempted a duet before and ..."
"An absolutely stunning woodwind player! Patricio played 8 parts on a piece I'd arranged, including: piccolo, flute, clarinets, alto sax, tenor sax, and baritone sax. He played them all with real joy, and truly brought..."
"Stevie the Vibe is a wonderful singer with a fine intuition for character. Such a pleasure to work with him!"
"Bailey is simply a state of the art professional like it should be! She delivered the vocals like we wanted them within days! Great communication and great result! "
"Shelley did an amazing job! She was wonderful to work with and her vocals were perfect for the song. She was able to do a quick turnaround and was willing to listen and delivered amazing vocals. Her voice is unique an..."
"Mike E. Brian is super creative, thoroughly professional, highly skilled and makes every song better!"