Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dryker Stars
I work with artists and help them achieve their dreams by bringing their song idea to life.
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Creating some fresh funky, soulful vibes
I'm a dreamer and music helps me to be the one I want. I'll do all I can for you to feel the same with your music ! Composing, arranging, mixing, all at real affordable prices.
Specialize in mixing dialogue and podcasts! Can record, mix, edit, master, sound design any of your work! Send it my way and I'll make it the beautiful acoustic art of your dreams.
I understand that budgets can be tight, so I am willing to work with budgets, as well as negotiate prices for my work, which will only the best of quality!
Enter a Journey with Idan from Shmoné: Saxophonist, songwriter & vocalist Storyteller. Idan, a humble saxophonist with 8+ years, blends enchanting melodies on global stages. From sold-out shows to heartfelt collaborations, let Idan weave magic into your music.
Beatmaker and music producer residing in São Paulo, Brazil, specializing in Hip Hop instrumentals.
Elegance, precision and powerful feelings mixing skills.
Influenced by a wide range of music from a young age, I developed a profound connection to its instrumentals and began producing beats for rappers and singers. Although I once considered moving to LA for EDM studies at Icon Music School, I pursued a business career instead. However, my passion for music remains, and I continue to the industry.
Recent Successes
"She was really fun to work with. Incredibly professional and patient throughout, and seemed to genuinely enjoy working on the project. Her energy, vibe and creativity was really inspiring."
"What would take me hours to explain (if ever) about what I want, Nate just intuits from what I send to him. His musicianship and his ability to serve the song is incredible. I'll also add that Nate's drum sound is ver..."
"If angels exist and they can sing, they would sound like Lucy. If you have an acoustic song that needs a soft, sultry voice, it would be hard to go wrong here. In addition to providing all that I requested, she added ..."
"Jimmy nailed it again! One of my favorite songwriters / singer who never disappoints! Creative, well executed and in time! Recommended!"
"He's our man, our remixer and producer, you can give Nate the complete STEMS or vocals of a demo or just vocals and Nate will create something epic just epic ! Thanks my friend ! "
"Brenna is the such a pleasure to work with. I see myself working with Brenna until she grows tired of me (which hopefully never happens. THANK YOU BRENNA. Cheers"
"Mauricio nailed in every way my song. I sent him just a quick idea, he took the idea and transformed it into something bigger ! I can't wait to see what we will do together again ;)"