Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kylee Anderson
I work with artists and help them achieve their dreams by bringing their song idea to life.
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I can not live without sound! Let's be honest - you need a fast high-quality work in a short time, I need the money! I always do my job perfectly!
I specialise in providing music Mastering services to extremely high standards for clients worldwide. As an experienced Mastering engineer I have the ability to hear and feel music a certain way, a skillset that allows me to immerse myself into a project from a highly critical and creative perspective simultaneously.
Beat Maker, Mixing Engineer, Mastering Engineer, Audio Engineer, Studio Musician
Music and Audio Production for Virtually Anything You Can Imagine
As a female working in the music industry for 15+ years, I want to represent your project with that unique perspective I bring to the intuitive process of creating music. My passion is to ensure that I provide services to a diverse client base, working within every budget to create content that will fulfill and prioritize YOUR personal vision.
I'm a freelance mix and mastering engineer as well as a session musician. I've spent almost 20 years learning and crafting my skills and I'm here to share them with you.
I mix and master great music. That's it.
My goal is to support the artist's vision and serve their music. It's about the music for me and I believe that if I've done my job correctly you'll never think about the mix, you will love the song.
Recent Successes
"Did everything I asked for and was quick to respond!"
"Elise is the consummate professional in making a song what it should be-something very special to hear every time. Thanks Elise for being that person."
"Great to work with, multiple changes and everything that was needed she sent! Will be working again with Chloe for any vocals needed definitely."
"If youre looking for a professional topline then I would definitely recommend. Very happy with what Nevve has done and the vocals fit the song perfectly!!! "
"Super talented singer, we have repeatedly worked with him and managed to get perfectly matching vocals for our track within a few days, excited to hear the final result after mix and master!"
"Yet again, Marcello has sung lead and backing vocals on my song. As always, he delivered power, range and subtelty as and when required. 5 plus rating on this one!"
"SIME is the greatest, always deliviers well recorded tracks and fast revisions when needed. "
"It was an absolute pleasure working with Angelica. She was consistently professional and dedicated, delivering everything on time with outstanding vocal performances. Her friendly and open communication made the entir..."