Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with DLSRENZO
El Sonido Divino is an urban music producer and composer who has broken boundaries with his unique style and unmistakable sound. With a rising career, he’s accumulated millions of streams across digital platforms, proving that his music connects with people around the world.
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More providers:
Lounge Room Studio (Projects in music)
Over 20,000,000 Spotify Streaming, Multi-Genre including Pop, Rock, Folk, Indie, Christian, etc. I am a producer, instrumentalist and songwriter based in Los Angeles, CA.
I provide pro guitar tracks and complete production services for country artists and songwriters.
Hit me for quality mixing & mastering !! Need beats ? Link me for my catalog! 10+ years
Starts with drums in the morning, dumplings for lunch and the rest shall follow.
My YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/julyanaofficial
I'll make sure your track meets professional-level sounding standards to get you signed.
5 years of experience, releases on labels such as Future House Cloud, Break It Down Music, and Loud Memory. I've gotten support from major artists such as Raptures, Andrew A, MHA, Fergo, Bandlez, Moav, and Hughesy. I do almost every type of music and genre.
Recent Successes
"Absolute professional here. Josh went above and beyond as a producer. Not only did he give me a final product that I'm 100% proud of, but he helped me dive further into my art and sound giving everything a layer of de..."
"We had a great time collaborating with Simms. He's a great communicator, takes initiative and above all is a experienced singer/songwriter with a very clean voice!"
"At this point I've begun sending 95% of my vocal tracks to David for Tuning and Timing due to his quality of work and sensitivity toward the specific voice and song. Always a pleasure and quick turnaround time with ty..."
"great to work with! Good results :)!"
"Once again Jakey delivered a brilliant vocal with passion, energy and grit. Looking forward to the next one! "
"another song done and Nate did a fantastic job! played what the song needed. thank you"
"Alyssa has suck an amazing voice, and her melody creations are on point!!!!!!! Everyone loves her voice when they hear the song she sang!!!!!!"
"The Service from Andres is A1 as always. Extremely professional, always on time and goes above and beyond to satisfy his clients to their taste."
"Another extremely excellent job well done by Shelley H. Only one thing to say about Shelley H and that is " FLAWLESS ". Yours Truly, The Housemen ( Orlando Garcia & Shareef Islam )"