Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with DJ Nik-1
Skilled audio engineer to mix your audio into cohesive modern production of music and vocals!
More providers:
I'm a Sound Designer, Re-Recording Mixer and Music Composer established in Vancouver, BC. www.bcg-sound.com
TuckerMix.com is the online music mixing services of LA based mixing engineer Ryan Tucker. With a history of working with the most respected audio companies in the industry, his insider knowledge provides him mastery of the tools, techniques, and technologies your project will need to achieve the ultimate sonic advantage!
Hello, my name is Shawn Eib, and I am the owner and operator of Sounds Like Audio, LLC, based in New Orleans, La. Originally from Richmond, Va, I got my start at 16 recording local punk bands in my parents spare bedroom, and have been working in the audio field for 16 years now.
Beyond just being an experienced singer, songwriter, and keyboardist, I can bring your tracks to life and give them that extra magic that makes them both noticed and musically remarkable. I've studied at Berklee College of Music, NYU Tisch's Clive Davis Dept. of Recorded Music (taught by Robert Glasper himself), and the Village East Conservatory.
Give your music that scandinavian sound at Studio Aftenland.
It's about more than just mixing your music. It's creating a multicellular organism that is alive and coherent because of the passion we put into our craft.
Ok, we know you're looking for a studio service made by experienced professionals with affordable price. Stop search now! You've found! Mix, mastering, topline, guitar recording, editing, tune dedicated to pop/punk/math/heavy rock bands, metal and singer-songwrites. Hit us NOW!
Credits include: Phoebe Bridges, MUNA, Louis Tomlinson, Barns Courtney, Sea Girls & Many More
Recent Successes
"It has been a great and easy experience working with Jessie and Rob, let alone the great vocals and recording quality :-)"
"Great job, George. thanks"
"A pleasure to work with Vic. He's communication and response time was incredible and always kept me up to date with what he was working on. He paid great attention to detail with the nuances in the song and made it so..."
"Lo Ashley did a phenomenal job and brought tones of value to my song. She wrote and sang the chorus for my song. I asked if she could create an intro aswell and she knocked it out with no hesitation. Very easy to comm..."
"Alfonso is a true virtuoso :) he made my song beautiful! I can't wait to work with him again soon. ❤"
"Great work as always! Project finished in around 4days. Recommended. "
"It was a real pleasure to work with Mariami. She got the direction we were aiming for super quickly and turned our track into something better than it was. Will definitely not be the last time working together."
"I feel lucky to have found such a skilled producer. All my hopes for a track are surpassed every time. When your track returns to you, expect a little Gold dust on top. Amazing Thanks. "
"Working with Grant was fantastic! He's extremely professional, fast, and a great player! Highly recommended! Looking forward to working with him again."
"Excellent review for Cancion, provides talent and vision to my tracks as well as beneficial information and connections. Have been working with this legend for a while and will continue to do so. "