Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gangsburg
Skilled audio engineer to mix your audio into cohesive modern production of music and vocals!
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Hello: My name is John Siket. I've been recording, mixing and producing music for over 29 years. I bet that you've already heard my work! I can also bring a high-quality remote recording rig to your rehearsal space or other cool sounding room of your choice! I have access to very high quality recording equipment, microphones and studios.
Want a top notch electronic track?
Low cost works will be done without hesitation. No worry about quality. High quality work at low cost
Your vision, your way.
First I'll charge $10 for any collab just message me! I am confident in my skills to deliver a well versed vocals. I will give your track of these genres: Hip Hop / Any Rock / Rap / Kpop / Any Pop to life! I have worked with various artist and delivered them their first single. Book me to make your track a banger!
After working with several top musicians on the African continent, I have developed a sound that appeals to the ear of every music lover. Let me help you enhance your recording with my special artistry that has seen the likes of Diamond Platinumz hit the global market.
I write from my heart, where do you like me to start, I write Lyrics like art, but it sounds better, when you add the beat to that.
I'm Andrew Charles, your go-to for affordable mixing and mastering services, as well as a session guitarist.
Recent Successes
"It was a complete pleasure working with Giancarlo!! He was very quick in responding and was willing to understand what I wanted and he delivered the track very fast. Truly a professional! "
"Works until you’re satisfied with the end results. I really enjoy working with Giancarlo. Excellent ears! I’ll send more songs because I have confidence in his ability to mix and master. "
"Fantastic job! Beautiful voice, professional execution!"
"Ok, so if you're thinking about a guitarist and it comes down to Emilio at price X and the other person at X minus a some. Don't go with the bargain player. First of all, Emilio is pretty competitively priced. Afte..."
"Not only are Andres and his team Nicolás and Julia an joy to work with, helpful, communicative and caring, they help elevate everything i do drawing upon years of experience and expertise and using that to make my wor..."
"I loved working with Yaron! Not only is he an awesome guy, he also got totally involved in my project and made me feel super comfortable. He is always available - phone, email, zoom, as if you are in the room with hi..."
"Daniel was a patient, quick, and effective communicator all the way through. His pleasant but honest demeanor make him a delight to work with. The mix he ended up delivering is phenomenal. He was able to take the v..."
"This guy is the best metal head I know! Awesome voice! Awesome dude. Thanks again for the great work Michael! "
"Another great experience with Pietro, look forward to working with in the future."