Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with DJ Gritty Purrp
I can write in whichever style a person knows
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I produce, mix and master trance, techno and house music. I can do some breaks but prefer to work in the 3 main genres. If you need help with mixing and mastering I can help clean up muddy mixes and give it a nice polish ready to release. I have a degree in sound engineering and released various records on vinyl, CD and mp3.
I'm an artist specializing in Techno, House, Tech House, and Progressive music. I love making hip-hop, indie dance, and experimental music as well.
I am an IT dropout and was a Software Engineer who now turned to an Audio Engineer and Music Producer in an attempt to achieve excellence in the dimensions of the Music Industry. Maybe you would like my Mixes and Production or not, but one thing I can be assured about giving more than 100% of mine to any of the products that I would be hired for.
Specializing in various music genres, Vision is available to bring your recordings or productions to the professional level whether it is mixing, mastering, or podcast editing . Unlimited revisions also included so as to make sure you get exactly what you pay for.
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Recent Successes
"The best of the best. Alan takes a strategic and thorough approach in providing you with the most sonically diverse masters to fit every type of listening situation. He is a pleasure to work with and amazingly profess..."
"Ashley as usual delivers more than expected and promised and always of high quality. I recommend her highly"
"What a pro! Chiara made getting great drum tracks easy. Communication was awesome and so helpful. Really โgotโ where we were going with the song, and brought the whole thing up a notch. Looking forward to having her h..."
"Robbie is a super talented singer and songwriter. I said it before but I can say it 1000 times a day because it's true. He knows which lyrics and vocals match in a song. He always finds some new cool melodies for a so..."
"Ziv came through with several parts that fit my song, well done, reliable and affordable, you can spend on Ziv"
"๐๐ฟ๐๐ฟ๐ผ Wonderful Production & mixing Mike B NYC "
"Trey is so knowledgeable and talented! Upon our introductory meet, I immediately felt like it was a good match for my project. His personable vibe made our songwriting writing session such a great experience. I look f..."
"Such a good experience working with Matt. Developed a small demo to a huge sounding track and was a top professional throughout the production. Very patient from beginning to end. Would definitely recommend! A+"
"The best producer here"