Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dillon Davis
Indie Pop, CCM, and Live Worship Mixing. My goal is for you to forever be in that honeymoon phase with your project -- the one where you listen to it every chance you get! I love getting to make your project the best it can be. I also do unlimited revisions on mixes because I want the final mix to be PERFECT for you.
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Hello there! We have young bands need to be mixing and mastered.
Hello! What do I bring to your project? Groove, Originality and Honesty. I have many years of record making and touring experience and still get excited about and believe in the magic. Sounds cheesy to read?...let's talk.
Jialei Lee - 5 PIECES LOVE STORY: FX, Foley, and Complete surround mix. (2017) Merril Miller - Murals. Album production (2016) AsparTateRecords - IRIS, les chanson du printemps, Album production(2015)
Professional and versatile guitar player, songwriter, producer with 20 years of experience (Europe, USA, remote). Composer for ALIBI Music.
Hey guys, My name is Jesus Torres and I'm a Sound Engineer at the legendary CAFE MUSIC STUDIOS (Cafe Music Clients: Brian Eno, Coldplay, Imogen Heap, Jon Hopkins, Rudimental).
A Premier Digital Audio and Video Post Production and Restoration Studio
Artist & Music Producer
Composer, sound designer, mixing and mastering engineer
Recent Successes
"Absolutely perfect, i am delighted with the results, Mella is a wonderful singer and captures the intent and feeling brilliantly, communications a delight as well. Fantastic."
"Kimera not only brings great tone, timing and expression to her vocals, but she can also dial in on interesting and unusual harmonies. She will add depth and nuance to your project."
"Very professional and friendly reliable contact. It is always very difficult to just get on the same track while communicating through the internet only - but this time it was perfect fit. Many thx"
"Trey called it "giving it some growth”… I listen to what he did and call him GENIUS. Talk about night and day. Read Trey’s profile….consider it VALIDATED!!!! I can’t find a single hole in my song that’s not completely..."
"This was my 2nd job for Make One. Great job; he's intuitive, patient, fast, communicative, and talented. Best programmer/mixer I've ever worked with in 24 years of doing music! Many thanks"
"Bacuda is by far the most amazing singer that I have come across. It has been a pleasure to have worked with her on my song. Her voice is a beautiful blend of strength and pure heavenly sound. She is very professional..."
"I highly recommend Stevan to master your tracks, great quality work, sounds great every time!!!"
"WOW! The song came out way better than I anticipated ! You are indeed very creative and versatile. Y've got that magic touch, you turn ideas into masterpiece ! Thanks bro ! Thank you General Banger ! You are the best ..."