Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with dienis
Producer Specialized In Every Music Style
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Radiohead, Portishead, Robert Plant, Roni Size, Tom Jones, Alison Moyet, Siouxsie Sioux, Jeff Beck, Dr John, Goldfrapp, Hawkwind, Gregory Porter. I bring old school session skills, disciplined "loop style" drumming, loose interpretive playing for all genres to your next project. Check out the mix of some of the tracks recorded in my remote studio
I create beats that will make your audience feel something real. Without heart and passion music is nothing. I cant wait to work with you to create music that will show your passion.
Sound like you've never heard it before
Producer Specialized In Every Music Style
I have been involved in the music industry for nearly 10 years, with a BA Hons degree in Songwriting and Professional Musicianship. I have performed in many venues across the UK and am in a band working towards our debut album. I love collaboration and will be driven by any project I am involved with!!
International Award Winner, and Grammy-level experience, I have arranged and composed music for everything from virtuosic solo piano to pop piano, full length music theater productions to film and media, string ensemble (classical and pop), full orchestra (classical and pop), and more.
Recent Successes
"This is the second time we've used James to master our songs and once again he did an amazing job! I highly recommend James for anyone who needs to have their songs mastered and I'm looking forward to working with him..."
"Very nice job! Thank you Eric for your attentive and thoughtful work."
"Wes is the man! Really enjoyed our jam session, looking forward to the next one!"
"Very nice work on my track! He has a great particular voice and it fits brilliantly in my project! Recommended!"
"Lydia is a consummate professional. She ALWAYS delivers on time, with exquisite attention to detail, thoughtfulness, and creative insight. In addition, she is so kind. And she really listens, and seems to effortlessl..."
"Can't explain how soulful Shamain sings. Impeccable attention to detail. Nails it every time. Awesome balance of emotion, cadence and delivery. Every song I've asked her to sing comes to life."
"Great back and forth communication, And as expected the work he put magical as ever! "
"Ivan was an absolute pleasure to work with. He was very responsive and accommodating during the entire process. He also delivered a quality product. Look forward to working with him again. "
"Incredible vocals again by Veronica...."
"Jon is very talented, respectful and a fast communicator. We weren't on the same vibe on this project, but he was kind enough to end it amicably. See you on the next one!"