Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Asi Es El Amor by Sophia Alvarez
24 hr turnaround for professionally recorded and comped vocals in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
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Feeling music easily.
I have more than 10 Years Experience in Audio Production and have worked with clients all over the globe. i Have worked at many different record companies such as OD records and others where i had the chance to master my skills on audio production and deliver high quaility projects while dealing with strict deadlines. I am currently running my own
Making your music sound clean and beautiful. I put a lot of time and care into whatever I am working on and will treat your projects the same. Attending ICON Collective production school where creativity and production are taken seriously.
Let's be honest and get serious about your music. We both know that YOU want to be taken serious as a professional musician, and you want people to fall in love with your sound. Guess what? Nothing says Professional Musician like a top-notch quality Mixed & Mastered song. It shows that you care about your craft and you do things the pro way.
I have over 15 millions streams across all platforms with my original tracks.
Genius, No.1 Charting Gold Vocal Producer/Mix Engineer #Gangsta “Drill-Mixing Godfather” “Melody Mixer” 4xSilver
I am a recording, mixing engineer and producer, who have work Rock, Metal, Jazz, Latin pop, indie, and everything in between!!! Contact me for pricing and special song packages!
I sing with my soul. I love music, vocals, write my own songs and learn how to mix tracks
Recent Successes
"Marshall is extremely gifted in his profession and manner, I gave him very little to work with... requesting a full production from scratch, The outcome is brilliant, plus kept me up to speed throughout the job. i def..."
"We hired Germán Domador for a Timpani job. He responded quickly, professionally and competently. We'll continue working with him in the future. Anna G. Senior Manager Epyac Jylb Inc."
"Denitia delivered dope lyrics that fit the feel and vibe of the track perfectly. Her lyrics and vocals have a cool indie modern vibe that I love. The vocal performance is right on point, not too much but also not too ..."
"Sara absolutely killed it! Such a great experience: her communication, her vocal tone, and the layers she added were all top notch. Can recommend! "
"Kimera consistently produces amazing vocals and took my female empowerment dance-pop anthem to the next level!! She is fantastic!!"