Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with David Guetta "Orion"
Producer for David Guetta since 2013. Now also available for your projects & ideas ! Due to the large number of different projects from recent years, no genres are alien to me. Whether it's commercial pop music, EDM, house, techno or hip-hop/trap. High quality productions with 100% authenticity guaranteed.
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I'm an award-winning pianist & composer working across genres including jazz, folk, blues, country, soul, pop and rock. If you're after lush harmonies & funky rhythms played with great piano and keyboard sounds then I'd love to work with you.
10 Years of experience in some of the most known genres of music
I can write a song or verse/ chorus for you in limited time at high quality or record vocals either rapping or singing
Very good in mixing and mastering
I specialize in incredibly diverse mixing and production work. I must say, with great certainty, that I can handle creating a clean and polished mix. In the realm of production, imputing constructive ideas and criticisms to bring even the most impossible ideas into reality is my specialty. I promise the utmost sonic and musical quality in my work.
Beatmaker Producer
Senior record producer, mixing- and mastering engineer with over 13 years of professional experience. More than 200 compositions written, mixed, and sold. More than 100 recordings mastered.
Recent Successes
"Great experience working with Brent. Very professional and replies promptly with revisions. Will definitely recommend Brent out to everyone in the business. Great mix. "
"High recommend to all! Will has been an absolute pleasure to work with. He was prompt in answering any of my questions and always had excellent communication. He is a true professional. I will definitely be using ..."
"Austin, is so talented! I would recommend him 100 times over! "
"I am humbled to have Tony provide the drum tracks for my song, and it was a delight to interact with him... His initial responses were so fast that I thought I was dealing with an automated response system. The turn-a..."
"We agreed to work on a topline project, I accepted her proposal and then she ghosted."
"Great pro as always."
"Professionale!!! Ottima qualità di lavoro e attento alle richieste del cliente."
"Robin is so talented, he improved my song so much, he is very frendly and easy to work with :) I would definitly work with him again in the future ! "
"Andrew is very talented as a musician and a pleasure to work with. He created exactly what I needed and I couldn't have been happier. Great musical instinct as well as high recording quality."
"the dance sound of Austin is a legend 4 me ... I work with him 19 Months and we where in german EDM-Charts befor David Guetta ... I call Austin magician and wizard ... recommended 100,0%"