Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Darcy Stone
Da Queen Mz Keyah is a dynamic recording artist and producer with a unique sound that captivates audiences. Known for her versatility and creative energy, she’s ready to elevate any stage or project. If you’re looking for fresh talent to light up your next event, book Da Queen Mz Keyah today!
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High quality/fidelity, modern-sounding and bilingual vocals/guitars/demos for your song for pitch/sync opportunities.
expressive personality on music and sounds i make
Singer & Producer Clinically perfectionist for your best interest.
I would love to work with you on your project! I've spent over 700 hours doing session work (both remote and on-site), and feel confident I can help your song be the best it can be. Whether you need violin/fiddle, composition help, vocals, acoustic guitar, or songwriting I am your guy. Check me out on Spotify, iTunes, Instagram , TikTok, Twitch
Hello! I'm a professional mixing and mastering engineer who has passed the mixing and mastering course at Berklee College of Music with full marks. I've been in and out of the industry for 7 years now, and have a large amount of experience with bringing other people's tracks to a high standard of production. I'd love to talk with you about a job!
Creator of Emotions, Love what I do and love the expression of humans when the hear a Song they relate and connect, I aim to create songs that do that to people
My name is Solomon Overla and I am a professional mixing engineer. I have developed experience through education which evolved into recording sessions, mixing sessions, and signing those albums with record labels.
Hi, I'm Maji Yaba, producer, singer, mix&master engineer and I want to help you make your song sound amazing! If you need help with the mixing and mastering of your songs or some additional vocals and topline then DM me. I'll be happy to learn and work with you until we obtain the perfect mix.
Recent Successes
"Aubrey is a very kind and available person as well as an amazing singer... She tries everything to provide you the final product you are looking for and she is very attentive to your requests and needs! Great person..."
"Immediate communication, great follow up, quality sounds. Thank you Eli!"
"Fast, competent, professional, pleasant; all the good things one wants from a horn section. Thank you guys!"
"JOSEPH is a vocal wizard. He says he does air-tight vocal production that'll be ready to mix, and he delivers exactly that! He'll give you harmonies, doubles, and lead vocals that are technically awesome and are super..."
"Nate is super amazing, honorable and kind-hearted professional that you can really trust!! I had a great experience in working with him!! I can't wait the next time!!"
"Just an absolute pleasure to work with! He was very open to our ideas and willing to give his input when we needed it. Definitely the most fun and best results Iv ever had! "
"First time working with Bram and he absolutely killed it! We will be back for sure!"
"Hale works really fast and nails it on the first try every time - no revisions needed. Fantastic musician."