Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dada I
Skilled audio engineer to mix your audio into cohesive modern production of music and vocals!
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Seattle based Recording Engineer, Mixer, and Producer w/ 10+ years experience. Credits include Barsuk, Captured Tracks, Hardly Art, KEXP, PNKSLM, Sup Pop, & more.
Do you dream of having world class sounding music? Do you want your tunes to sonically sit next to the giants and be able to play your music back to your grandchildren when you are 65 and not have to give a disclaimer? That's what we are here for; to help you make music that you can be proud of for the rest of your life!
Do you want to take your rough demos to the next level? Do you need fast mixing and mastering so you can release that new song to your eager fans?
Gianluca Bonfanti Mele is a Brazilian Born, living in Argentina, active in live and studio gigs for more than 18 years now. Found his way through music by discovering and investigating multiple Genres and Styles, as well as instruments (Basses, Piano, Synths, Guitar and others). For 8 years now, works at his own studio Producing, Mixing and more!
Professional Session and Tourist Drummer!!!
Hi, My name is Luca Gentilforti. I'm a composer for films, TV series and videogames. I have a degree in applied music and can create orchestral, electronic or hybrid tracks. You can check my works on my site: www.lucagentilforti.com
"Always a White-glove Tailored Experience" 1+ Billion Streams Worldwide. 10+ Years of professional experience.
Self-made artist, vocalist, sound producer
Recent Successes
"Jon was a pleasure to work with. I'm very satisfied with the song!"
"Lydia recorded amazing vocals to my song, and her communication and understanding of music & vocals is absolutely superb."
"This is my third song I made with Arthur and he is great to work with! He is so fun in the studio and is open to exploring any and all ideas until we make a fun project I am 100% happy with. He is also flexible with b..."
"With the successful completion of the third mix/master job we are now closing a series of several small projects on SB. I am very satisfied the entire results! Although the deadline was challenging Etienne made it hap..."
"I've worked with so many session musicians over the years but Brian stands out for many reasons. He is an absolutely monster player, with great sensitivity to the track and a wonderful soulful sound. His improvisation..."
"Partnering up with Yaniv once again as a result of consistent quality of work and again, does not disappoint! Looking forward to the continued collaboration!"