Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Czarno-Białe Ślady
Mixer and producer. I'm all about the music.
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Engineering and production credits for Leah Kate, Kalii and more An LA - based Producer, with a beautifully scenic studio in the West Hollywood Hills - I have spent hundreds of hours producing and mixing records with an incredible songwriting teams. I am looking to expand my services through additional platforms.
Colbie Caillat (USA). Richard Bona (Cameroon). Natalia Lafourcade (Mexico). Sadao Watanabe (Japan). Virgil Donati (Australia). These are just some of the global artists that I have had the fortune to work with over the years.
Producing to change the world.15 years experience producing & audio engineering. Newly located in Queens, NY. Worked with Rain 910, Project Pat, & various Indie Artists. A traveling music production educator that holds online and on location courses.
Skilled producer/songwriter working in ANY genre, collaborating with qualified mixing-mastering-sound engineers, session musicians and music companies. I worked with major artists over 1mK's (Kip Winger-Rock in one of my own albums, Amr Mostafa-Pop, Mansur Ark-R&B, Birsen Tezer-Jazz..and more.) My work is peculiar, inimitable, inspired, initiative.
We believe in quality sound so yes we are flexible with time. Pay for limited time take unlimited time.
Songwriting is my obsession and I can't think of anything that would bring me more joy that bringing your song ideas to life. I have worked with every kind of artist and every type of genre over the last 5 years and I 100% believe I can help make the best song possible with you!
Versatility and authenticity are the most important things to me when working on a project. My goal is to take great ideas and create the atmosphere for those ideas to live and breathe in the most natural way possible
Sings in English and Japanese. Used to belong to a major label, had been in several Spotify official playlists.
Recent Successes
"I am very happy with the vocals that Chris wrote and recorded for my song. He gave it his own style, utilized the lyrics I wrote very well, and most importantly, delivered a top notch professional result. His melody n..."
"In the course of a mere twenty four or so hours, Emilio after stepping into a performance requirement in a genre outside his typical, went from expeditionary in spirit to full instrumental command. Wow. One could only..."
"My second song with Steve. This one involved more live instruments and required adjustments, but Steve worked with me until everything was perfect! My best endorsement: I'm sending him a third song next week."
"Jen Leigh here on Soundbetter recommended Shawn, man, was she right. He can groove. Very fast and efficient as well as funky"
"Absolute pleasure to work with! His responses are as fast as lightening, I was never kept waiting for anything. He made endless changes for me until I was 100% satisfied and the track is exactly what I was looking ..."
"Sara and I wrote song that really touched my mind and heart, combined with her vocals I think this song is a dream come true."
"Darrell was recommended to me by a producer friend of mine. I sent Darrell a track and he absolutely blew me away! His playing is powerful and tasteful. He plays exactly what the track was looking for. "
"Liz did a fantastic job for my track. Really elevated it and provided some great options!"
"Working with Lorenzo was an absolute game-changer! He understood my vision immediately and brought it to life in ways I couldn’t have imagined. His ability to seamlessly blend my ideas with his own creative flair made..."