Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with barrengo
Productor De Musica
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More than 250 satisfied clients in multiple genres from all over the world. Official audio engineering partner of Naughty Seal Audio, and Madhouse Productions (Berlin, DE).
Recording and Mixing engineer from Brazil
I am always looking for new collaborations. I can play heavy to bluesey lead and rhythm acoustic and electric guitars, bass, dobro and a little piano. I can also sing, produce, and write lyrics. Looking for like minded ambitious artists to collaborate with.
Maximum impact mixing engineer based in London
Hey, I've been into music for over 8 years and I've been writing several songs with great reviews from artists
I started my journey in the music business in the early 70s at Morgan Studios, London. I quickly progressed to engineering and ‘cut my teeth’ working on sessions with artists such as Jethro Tull, Cat Stevens, Seals and Crofts, Man, The Strawbs, Rod Stewart, Argent, Neil Ardley, Hot Chocoate, Blue Mink, The Kinks, Murray Head, The Roches ……
Producer of Reggae riddims having worked with various artists e.g Turbulence Professional Mixing and Mastering all genres.
Recent Successes
"Ken is a genius. His mixing skills are incredible. Go with him and you'll not be disappointed!"
"Mechi was very kind and easy to work with. She went above and beyond for my project and was extremely accommodating. I would highly recommend working with her. "
"Tasteful, powerful, and creative, Uriel grooves to the click with aplomb and the tones are just what I was looking for. I can’t imagine better. "
"A real professional producer. He understands all my needs, and gave my song a new dimension. He works very fast, and has many good ideas. I really recommend Glitches to work with."
"Elise was very efficient and professional. We started with some rough lyrical concepts and she helped me get to a fully-formed topline. The production ended up great, and that wouldn't have happened without her help i..."
"Absolutely spectacular!! This was a Prog rock (Pink Floydish) song and she got what it needed right away. This is not your average singer. Be ready for a powerhouse. IMO she's a little more expensive than many but..."