Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cypej
My young and fresh mind with already few years of experience is perfect for your Hip-Hop, trap, drill or R&B projects
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Recording and producing music since Yr2000.
I'm a producer from Rochdale. I can also master, mix etc... I rap too & can write songs.
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Audio engineer low rates over 20 years experience mixing and mastering audio
age 27,Drummer/Music production/Mixing,16 years of drumming experience and 8 years of music production. Produced/mixed an album and several releases over the last five years, my main genre/sound is indie/alt, I would say my best skill is producing and mixing drums/programming.
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Pianist, Concert & Recording artist
Recent Successes
"Nailed the lyrics on her first try. I'm so happy with my final product. Highly recommended!"
"Once again, a job well done. you have done wonders to my kid's music 🎶 "
"Mella is great to work with... she has extraordinary talent as a vocalist and understands your needs, delivering ahead of time and making sure you have exactly what you need. I feel very blessed to work with such a ta..."
"Eileen was every bit the true professional. Explained every step from the get go & most certainly delivered. An absolute pleasure to work with. Produced an excellent result "
"Extraordinary drummer, with a great sounding drumkit! Is prepared to put in the work to get it done!"
"Arthur is an amazing musician and producer. They have sweetened the parts that i brought, and added their own instrumentation in ways that brought my dreams to life! Patient and exacting, I highly recommend Arthur f..."
"Brittany continues to amaze me with her creativity, versatility and range. I just did my third production with her vocals, and she killed it!"