Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with cultbusters
Julian Perez has recorded dozens of albums, podcasts, voice-overs, etc. in Muir Studios and continues to provide professional quality services for artists.
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I am a Professional Music Producer,Audio Engineer,Sound Designer and A Composer.I have done lots of Projects with several local artists such as sand u,electrodemons etc...
Corporate Video Production Company, Explainer & Animation Video Maker in Bangalore & Chennai
You've written songs you can be proud of, and you have a vision for the sound of the final product. Now it's time to put your baby into the hands of someone else. I'll be working with you to turn your vision into a finished, polished recording/production that you and your fans can enjoy for the rest of your lives.
Hey: Lyrics, Lyrics, Lyrics ( And scripts, stories if you want more!}
I'm here to bring your projects to life!
Master's degree holding Guitarist, Songwriter, and Studio Recordist with 15 years of professional industry experience. Aside from a career in performance, I also teach University-level music production and film scoring at Toronto’s renown Humber College.
I will take your music career to the next level!
Innovative producer, up to date with the most modern sounds, and very detailed, I handle almost all genres.
Recent Successes
"Chad Dexter has all the right sounds and ideas that is why I love working with him. He has a level of experience and integrity that is tuff to find these days. What can I say.. my tracks sound louder, badder and madde..."
"Two words describe Sefi's skill set, attitude, professionalism...The Best! Period. Ok, exclamation mark. :-) Definitely will be working with him again."
"Audrey delivered yet another stunning performance. Her vocal range is spectacular and she easily navigated the dynamics and emotion of the song, puting her whole heart in to the performance. Highly recommended!"
"Awesome! Fast turnaround time, great result and awesome feedback on the mix! Also, the team was very communicative and helpful!! I will choose Andres again for sure!"
"Amazing Job! Very friendly and professional! Looking forward to work with Matt again."
"Tony is a great vocalists to have on anyone's project! My project had several melodic options, and I wasn't sure which option would sound best. So Tony did them all! And, he threw in some of his own ideas as well. ..."
"Stef Classens is extremely talented with his craft. He is a hard worker and his turnaround time is amazing. I really admire what we have created together and I hope to keep in touch!"
"Excellent excellent excellent producer. Every session has been better and better!!! I can't wait for our next session."
"I had a wonderful experience working together with Ben, I was still fudging around with the lyrics but Ben didn't mind and was super flexible and easy to work with and this flexible approach let to a wonderful song th..."
"Great mastering!"
"Working with the guys is always a great experience. Can always rely on them for top tier vocal work and willingness to go into detail into what they did and what to look for when learning"